It always makes me scratch my head, too.
You'd think XJWs would have had enough of that sort of thing.
It always makes me scratch my head, too.
You'd think XJWs would have had enough of that sort of thing.
how many times did you see elders hounding congregation members to quit their jobs due to missing meetings?.
my brother worked at a grocery store at 16 years old.
he would miss tuesday's ministry school due to his work schedule.
No leader should be able to give instructions that they can't or won't follow themselves.
i have another post here about how the wts is reeling from covid, as reflected in their abysmally catastrophic service report:.
here's another rupture showing.. in the latest "announcements and reminders" to elders, there is a paragraph with these sentences:.
This, IMO, is why they quietly reversed the position that former sex offenders could not serve as congregation servants a few years back...
...the pool of willing (and able) "qualified brothers" was getting too damn shallow, thus making it harder to run the Org at the grassroots level.
'Course, the deeper you scrape the bottom of the barrel, the poorer the quality of product you find.
imho, its the one rodney spinks and terry o`brien parroting the governing body direction is that when somebody leaves the religion whether they just fade ,disassociate or even get disfellowshiped ,then they are in fact shunning all members of all congregations worldwide including family and friends ,.according to their testimony at the arc.. this is a blatant lie and misrepresents the truth,.and they know it.. when a person leaves the religion for whatever reason they are rejecting the governing body`s teachings ,doctrines and practices of the religion of jehovah`s witnesses and not all peoples associated within the congregations.. especially not family and friends who they may have long standing relationships with.. they try to shift the blame and put the onus on those who leave.. shame on them for perpetuating such a lie..
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls...
...if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended.
as far as i can understand is that male-female friendship is a no go for jws.
but how do things work if you want to date someone of the other sex if you can’t have close friendship with?.
"You touched my hand when you handed me the microphone during
the Watchtower study. I've informed the Elders that we're now engaged."
i hope to make a very interesting post here, and informative.
i’m quite sure no one here has heard this content.
i would like to finally make known some heretofore undisclosed details concerning something that has affected probably everyone on this board to some degree.
Diogenesister - "...I think they simply don't want Witnesses seeing their hypocrisy, so they've taken to printing 'Nations'..."
Ten bucks says their lawyers have told 'em that the Org's tax exemption is approaching the chopping block, and they gotta quit rocking the fucking boat.
Gotta be tough when you're stuck with an outdated Cold-War-centric End-TImes script and no one left with the imagination or narrative chops to give it the page-one rewrite it so sorely needs.
yes, that remark made by pilate after pilate had asked jesus wether he was a king.
( john 18:37-38 ).. how would you answer the question according to what we know from the bibles definition, and how the faithful and discreet slave have endeavored to give us spiritual food at the proper time?.
“ …What is truth? Baby, don’t ask me… don’t ask me… don’t know… “
after a conversation with hubby l started thinking about silly lyrics in songs , of which there are many .bang a gong by marc bolan is pretty daft , although apparently his lyrics are deep .
do you have any favourite daft lyrics?
Anything by Bob Dylan.
this is not about stats, but "actual experiences" happening world wide in the organization.
there is about 156 comments of what some jws are seeing in their congregation.
feel free to read and come to your own conclusion on whether the watchtower organization is turning pimo but no one says anything in order to keep family relations.
Regular booster shots are almost always necessary to maintain any kind of ideology.
In the WTS, in-person group activities like regular attendance and ministry work were vital for that.
How they expect to maintain group cohesion and solidarity without them is a mystery to me.
Except maybe by dialling the rhetoric up to 11.
witnesses never watch r movies.
but they understand references to wood chippers and banjo music.. other than that the rating system is not worldwide .
I remember when I first realized how disingenuous the Org forbidding R-rated movies was, considering just how much graphic violence, horror, and sex the Bible actually contains*.
I firmly believe Eli Roth and Quentin Tarantino are huge fans.
(*Right around the time I started reading to my kids, now that I think about it.)