I wrote a couple of WTcentric song parodies a few years back, and I was kicking around the idea of doing this one.
Big Eli B did a way better job than I ever could, though (the man can really shred, too).
apostate lyrics to a bob dylan/jimi hendrix classic .
i know nothing of the singer but he is not bad at all.
I wrote a couple of WTcentric song parodies a few years back, and I was kicking around the idea of doing this one.
Big Eli B did a way better job than I ever could, though (the man can really shred, too).
Re. DoubtingThomas…
I often wonder if assholes are that way naturally, or do they have to work at it?
friendly and good gorby smiled and waved towards 2 local jw's yesterday, and they turned with an angry face their back to me.
has something changed regarding faders recently?.
One thing’s for sure, this definitely supports the rumours of the Org transitioning to an e-religion.
Covid’s given ‘em the ideal pretext.
friendly and good gorby smiled and waved towards 2 local jw's yesterday, and they turned with an angry face their back to me.
has something changed regarding faders recently?.
I often wondered if going solely online would make fading easier or harder.
birthday wisdom magnum opus.
i was born 2 years after the end of wwii.. everything was in black and white.. harry truman was president.. mahatma gandhi was the spiritual leader of india.. .
by the time i was 5, a new-fangled invention called television.
Shit, hoser beat me to it. 😄
Awesome jokes, man…
…I read every one to my 90-year-old mom and she laughed her ass off.
Doubting Thomas - “Their opinion about some of God's prophecies, and some of their policies.”
According to the confidential elders’ manual “Shepherding the Flock of God”, you’re an apostate.
imho, its the one rodney spinks and terry o`brien parroting the governing body direction is that when somebody leaves the religion whether they just fade ,disassociate or even get disfellowshiped ,then they are in fact shunning all members of all congregations worldwide including family and friends ,.according to their testimony at the arc.. this is a blatant lie and misrepresents the truth,.and they know it.. when a person leaves the religion for whatever reason they are rejecting the governing body`s teachings ,doctrines and practices of the religion of jehovah`s witnesses and not all peoples associated within the congregations.. especially not family and friends who they may have long standing relationships with.. they try to shift the blame and put the onus on those who leave.. shame on them for perpetuating such a lie..
BTW, does anybody else remember when JWs were proud to acknowledge that they ostracized ex-members?
WTF happened?
some jokes i`ve heard and 1 or 2 i`ve made up .. the shortest man in the bible ?
knee high mia.
one with a facial affliction.?
I heard every fucking one of these groaners growing up.
canadian jehovah’s witnesses spokesman james dumeignil says the number of jehovah’s witnesses is increasing year-over-year — with 3,000 more members in 2021 than in 2020. statcan data, however, shows a decline in canadian membership to 137,775 from 168,370 in 1991.. https://globalnews.ca/news/8471086/religion-decline-canada/.
"Growth = God's Blessing" has been so deeply baked into the Org's ideological DNA for so long, they almost have no choice but to try and spin the numbers accordingly.
IMO, that fact in and of itself is enough reason to take any stats the WT leadership and reps give out with an Everest-size grain of salt.
It always makes me scratch my head, too.
You'd think XJWs would have had enough of that sort of thing.