Biahi - "...when I read this it made me think the GB is preparing the rank and file for when they go to prison..."
Hard to argue with.
the watchtower—study edition | may 2022. study article 19. revelation—what it means for you today.
15 satan instigated an attack on the anointed brothers who were taking the lead in the kingdom-preaching work.
prominent ones among them were the figurative “two witnesses” spoken of as being killed.
Biahi - "...when I read this it made me think the GB is preparing the rank and file for when they go to prison..."
Hard to argue with.
this question has been presented many times throughout the years.
somewhat recently, there has been much talk surrounding the "bite method" :.
"bite” stands for behavior, information, thought, and emotional control.. some examples were thrown at me, such as the decisions of who we associate with, discouraging any worldy media, encouraging our brothers and sisters to report any of our misbehaviours to the elders, our rejection of criticism on the truth, shunning etc.. what do we think about this?.
"Authoritarian High Control Group".
A bit wordy, but break it down to its individual components, and I think even the most hardcore loyalist would have difficulty refuting the label.
i hope other countries follow suit..
Yet another indication that the end of the Org's tax-exemption is in sight, IMO.
february 21, 2022 by andy maxwell.
in 2018, watch tower filed for a dmca subpoena that would've required youtube to hand over the identity of an animator who parodied the religious group in his videos.
As far as I'm concerned, this is proof the Org reps have long since bought into their own rhetoric. has posted a letter titled, ''announcements and reminders january 2022.''.
the governing body are always changing bible procedures.
Rules & Regs:
This one never gets old.
It still looks like a drunken southern mayor up for reelection, and trying to pander to the "colored" demographic.
organized shunning will stop when money stops.
Is there a transcript of the article that can be posted here?
can you add to this:.
"does anything about your religion trouble you as a jehovah’s witness or is it all good?
some of the things that would trouble me if i were a jehovah’s witness would include:.
Stephane - "I felt I was surrounded by people who pretended they lived in a spiritual fortress all the while being afraid of someone with a slingshot."
Damn, that's good.
I felt intellectually muzzled, personally.
update some upstanding jw are experiencing social isolation isnt that what df and da people feel?reap sow karma..
hybridous - "Of course they understand it... That's why they're so strident about using it."
Nailed it.
by patrick haeck any comments on article?.
I think targeting the WT's "charity status" violations are the way to go.
The fact that they've quietly bend over backwards trying to keep it over the years suggests that they are far more financially dependent on it than we'd previously thought.
healing for sickness of mind.
many who are mentally and spiritually sick are not confined in mental institutions.
millions are held in restraint, however, in institutions of another kind, religious organizations.... by his prophet god expressed his disgust with such methods and those who practice them.
That was all I would get when things were bothering me...
...if I studied, associated, attended, witnessed, and prayed (i.e. followed the "Five Rules"), everything would be ok.
I soon learned very early on not to talk about things that bothered me.