I remember when my brain started deconstructing WT ideology and theology (whether I wanted it to or not).
It ain't much of a stretch to go from "they had it once but lost it" to "they probably never had it".
in my opinion, having been a jehovah's witness for twenty years as well as being an ex-jw for forty-three years,is that the following talk as given by peter gregerson, emphatically removes any shadow of a doubt aboutwhether the claim for the faithful slave has any merit whatsoever.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytcj6smffbk&t=3145s.
note: (references to the publication the finished mystery are given.
you can read the entire book here:https://www.gutenberg.org/files/46016/46016-pdf.pdf.
I remember when my brain started deconstructing WT ideology and theology (whether I wanted it to or not).
It ain't much of a stretch to go from "they had it once but lost it" to "they probably never had it".
....that god almighty/jesus personally selected j.f.
rutherford & wtbts inc. as a front for worldwide christianity, is an affront to worldwide christians.. the adage, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” was made for such spurious assertions.. as with jw's who claim, "jehovah answered my prayer for......," both claims rely on total credulity, and zero evidence of divine intervention.
Phizzy - "... Rutherford and Co disgustingly supported the First World War, Rutherford urging the purchase of War Bonds, no way were they neutral Conscientious Objectors... that totally discredited dogma is what the Org relies upon..."
Sometimes I suspect that the claim of exclusive divine favor was Rutherford and Co. doubling-down when they were faced with compelling arguments to the contrary...
..."Not only are we a legitimate religion, we're the only legitimate religion!!!"
....that god almighty/jesus personally selected j.f.
rutherford & wtbts inc. as a front for worldwide christianity, is an affront to worldwide christians.. the adage, “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” was made for such spurious assertions.. as with jw's who claim, "jehovah answered my prayer for......," both claims rely on total credulity, and zero evidence of divine intervention.
Boogerman - "The JW's greatest dogma... that God Almighty/Jesus personally selected J.F. Rutherford & WTBTS Inc..."
Almost, but not quite.
The WT's "greatest dogma" is that they are God's Exclusive Earthly Organization. The claim of being chosen by God and Jesus was made in service to that claim.
Really, every decision they make...
...every decision...
...is done so with the goal of shoring up that fiction.
i can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
fooled - ''I would love to see in my life time Watchtower crash and burn. But I'll take the next best thing...."
As schadenfreude-y as it might be, better to slowly and ignominiously wither away to (almost) nothing.
Much harder to bounce back from that.
Just my opinion.
do you feel a draft?
(jw’s did-in the 1960s)i thought you might find it interesting to review exactly what the u.s. government thought, studied, and wrote about people of conscience during the vietnam war.what follows comes from official records…more than half of the 27 million men eligible for the draft during the vietnam war were deferred, exempted, or disqualified.
(cortright, david (2008).
Terry - "What sort of people were the JW's who went to prison?"
also Terry - "useful idiots"
Not that you're wrong, but...
...don't be so hard on yourself.
the mangroves’ new light.
(a short story).
“oh, christ—just what i needed this morning—those jehovah people in the neighborhood!”.
Sounds almost like the "nightmare stage" of wishful thinking.
Which reminds me...
...when I've had a drink or three, I'm always tempted to outline a near-future scenario wherein the WT leadership has painted themselves so tightly into an ideological, financial, and legal corner that they deliberately try and provoke "Satan's World" into attacking them (completely ignoring the bit about "Babylon the Great" getting attacked first) in the desperate hope that Jehovah will then be compelled to step in and save their collective asses at the last moment...
...in no small part because if it doesn't happen, they (like all other authoritarian regimes in the past) would rather the Org crash-and-burn if it can't continue the way it has.
i can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
Foolednomore - "Prediction of how Watchtower going to be in 5 years..."
Caught between having to do whatever they can to ensure the WTS's continued survival and trying to shore up the fiction of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization" amongst the R&F...
...they're already looking pretty fucking weird.
In five years, expect that to be dialed up to 11.
w85 7/1 p. 21 par.
16 - an increasing “great crowd...out of all nations” are flocking to the org jehovah’s worship.
the brooklyn pharisees assured the sheeple for decades that isaiah 2:2, micah 4:1-3, & haggai 2:7 were prophetically.
nicolau - "...they can spin anything any way they want. They can turn falling numbers into proof of Jehobabobs blessings if they want to."
"Everything is proof we're right! Even the stuff that contradicts the other stuff!!!"
the watchtower teaches that the demons are the angels that came down here on earth right before the flood but research shows otherwise in this video i consider the identity of demons.if you never looked in this subject you will find this interesting ,let me know what you think.
the org has been exposed for abusing dmca laws to hunt down and punish anonymous faders/jw's.. https://pubcit.typepad.com/clpblog/2022/05/watch-tower-drops-its-effort-to-identify-a-dissident-blogger-based-on-spurious-copyright-claims.html.
if you talk to a jw, tell them how wisely the "faithful slave is looking after the masters belongings.
" (matt.