LoveUni - “…Twitter quarrel between a bigot and a retard…”
That phrase might just be the funniest thing I’ve read so far today. 😄
i hadn’t heard of this guy, andrew tate, until a few days ago, when he was mentioned on novara media (which is practically the only news i watch).
then i saw a clip with him where he explained why he moved to romania: he said he ‘likes romania because the police are corrupt and you can pay them off’.
(practically a direct quote) i thought to myself at the time that sounded a bit complacent!
LoveUni - “…Twitter quarrel between a bigot and a retard…”
That phrase might just be the funniest thing I’ve read so far today. 😄
the answer is a definite no!.
because every doctrine that is unique to jehovah's witnesses is not in the bible.
the unique doctrines of jehovah’s witnesses are the ones that only jehovah’s witnesses teach.
Is Watchtowerism “Biblical”?
Probably not.
…since things like slavery and genocide are arguably “Biblical”…
…does it really matter?
from the faq as captured on the website with this question (how many jehovah's witnesses are there worldwide?
) led to this question of mine who do the organization sees as a jehovah's witness?
the organization answers: .
Maybe at one point, their lawyers advised them that they might be able to stay solvent if they “managed the decline” by deliberately reducing product output, liquidating assets, and pruning the rank-and-file down to a more manageable level (i.e. just die-hard loyalists)
published december 22, 2022. the state manager in oslo and viken has decided to withdraw jehovah's witnesses registration as a religious community under the religious society act.. .
we sent a notice to jehovah's witnesses about possible loss of registration on october 25 this year.
ThomasMore - “… they fantasized that they could make it as an ereligion, online only, but the pandemic convinced them that they cannot maintain the control if the R&F do not attend in person...”
…is really hard to argue with.
from the faq as captured on the website with this question (how many jehovah's witnesses are there worldwide?
) led to this question of mine who do the organization sees as a jehovah's witness?
the organization answers: .
@ ThomasMore…
Jeezus, you’d almost think they wanted people to bugger off.
at the silentlambs march in brooklyn ny on september 27, 2002 a woman made a public statement which began, .
i'm pat garza, and i'm here today because i was raped by theodore jaracz when i was a little girl, in the city of los angeles, he was district servant.
there are two boys; their initials are "m.v.
Wait a minute…
…wasn’t an impending court case mentioned here a while back, where the accusing party alleged that they intended to submit actual, tangible evidence that Jaracz was a sex offender?
sorry if this has been discussed before but on quora someone asked if rutherford had said that dinosaurs had been taken to venus .
i assume that the questioner had heard it somewhere and wanted to check it out.
i've never come across this before is it true ?
Wow, I can’t believe I missed this the first time ‘round…
…that’s just… weird.
I’ve said this before, though…
…crazy-ass ideas like this are inevitable when you’re in charge, you’re convinced God whispers in your ear, and you surround yourself solely with people who are never allowed to disagree with you.
i like to check google news for "jehovah" every month to see what's new...".
man suspected of sexually assaulting a child, search warrant executed at kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses near woodland park" "teller county, colo. (kktv) - a 60-year-old man is suspected of sexually assaulting a child in the woodland park area.. the teller county sheriff’s office announced the arrest of shawn lance swisher on tuesday.. “a search warrant of swisher’s residence was also completed at the time of his arrest,” part of a news release issued by the teller county sheriff’s office reads.
“the second search warrant was executed at the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses near woodland park.
ThomasMore - “…WTC seems to think that pressuring R&F to disbelieve such accusations as the ravings of apostates is the way to go…”
“Everything you’ve read about us that’s bad is false! Even the stuff that’s true!!!”
Clearly, they’ve never heard of the Barbara Streisand Effect. 😏
michael moore writes:.
a cult is an organization that enslaves minds and destroys families using cult mind control.
cult mind control involves orchestrated deception, social pressure, psychological abuse, and repetitive indoctrination (brainwashing) centering around an unchallengeable ideology enforced in a totalitarian way in a closed socially-separatist community setting.
@ neat blue dog & littlerockguy…
20 years ago, I didn’t know anything about Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, or liberals… I was raised a JW, for Chrissakes.
But I did happen, in passing, to find out about the Religious Right, and was stunned that the belief patterns and attitudes ticked almost all the same boxes as the WTS… authoritarianism, Biblical literalism, misogyny, the list went on.
The only really significant difference I could see were their respective positions on political involvement… other than that, the Org seemed like the Religious Right in microcosm.
I am 100% convinced that if things had gone differently and the Christian Nationalists had achieved the degree of power in Washington the way they really wanted to, the WTS would have absofuckinglutely played ball with them.
And that made me feel just a little too uncomfortable with both.
at the silentlambs march in brooklyn ny on september 27, 2002 a woman made a public statement which began, .
i'm pat garza, and i'm here today because i was raped by theodore jaracz when i was a little girl, in the city of los angeles, he was district servant.
there are two boys; their initials are "m.v.
ThomasMore - “…Ted never faced the investigative committee. Instead, he had Garrett Loesch form a JC and DF them…”
Holy shitballs, I didn’t know that. 😳