What makes a cult (in the pejorative sense)?

by Vanderhoven7 53 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7

    Michael Moore writes:

    A cult is an organization that enslaves minds and destroys families using cult mind control. Cult mind control involves orchestrated deception, social pressure, psychological abuse, and repetitive indoctrination (brainwashing) centering around an unchallengeable ideology enforced in a totalitarian way in a closed socially-separatist community setting. (Not all cults have live-in campuses, but all are socially separatist.) Each of these four tactics by themselves are ancient, but combined simultaneously, they cause the subject to throw up their hands and give up mentally resisting. That “secret sauce” uncovered by experimentation in the mid-1800’s is what’s new. That is mind control.

    Michael adds:

    Published cult researchers tend to agree on these characteristics, making this the only definition that is both concise and accurate, though a bit simplistic. But you will not recognize cult activities in the field armed only with this one-paragraph definition. Study is required in order to recognize cults and protect yourself.

    Yes, Jehovah’s Witnesses are the quintessential Christian cult, for they fully meet this definition.

    The size, popularity, or trending of a given organization is not evidence pro or con as to whether that organization is a cult. Whether they perpetrate cult mind control is the only litmus test. Larger or smaller organizations can perpetrate cult mind control.

    There are many myths and false definitions about cults, including “a cult is a small organization centering around a single leader”. No, it is the use of cult mind control that makes an organization a cult.

    I was a Jehovah’s Witness for 28 years, after which I spent 14 years in active self-directed recovery. If they were not a cult, then those 14 years of recovery work would not have been necessary or productive, yet they were.

    The best evidence is the testimony of the millions of former recovering or recovered cult members. Current cult members do not know how mind control works, for mind control does not work on people who know.

    No one who is being subjected to mind control recognizes that they are. No one admits that their organization is a cult, except tongue-in-cheek, or where using a false definition.

    "No topic is more buried in myth, disinformation, and prejudice than cults and mind control. Discernment is necessary. Intellectual discipline is necessary. Overcoming personal biases is necessary.

  • Vidiot

    We can thank Jonestown, the Hare Krishnas, and the Heaven’s Gate loonies for the public’s common perception of what cults look like. Compared to them, polite, well-dressed door-knockers get an easy pass.

    One of the reasons I prefer the term “authoritarian high-control group”.

    Wordier and kinda pedantic, but break it down to its individual components, and I think even the most hardcore loyalist would have trouble disputing the label.

    I could be wrong.

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    45 years ago this was about all one could find.

    Thirty Years a Watchtower Slave: The Confessions of a Converted Jehovah's Witness

    Now there's dozens if not hundreds, and more coming.


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    isnt the phrase " conservative christian sect" more appropriate ?

  • littlerockguy

    The Liberal Democratic party.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    JW's are a hop-skip-and jump from Jonestown.

    I do believe the ''mentality' is there.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Marie writes:

    Because they are a cult they control every aspect of your life; who you are friends with, what you wear, what you watch and even what you eat. Also if you are female you are treated as less than. You come in third in life after God and Men.
    They hide sexual abuse as well. They break up families by disfellowshipping people who want to leave and your not allowed to have anything to do with them.
    Children are ignored on their birthdays and all the other holidays are not allowed either.
    You get to sit apart from all the other kids when they are doing holiday things or singing an anthem in school. Then you get made fun of and bullied by the other kids.
    It’s an abusive way to raise children!
    It is a cult that needs to be abolished.
    I was raised in it. I know all about it.
    You do not need some man made religion to have God in your life.

  • Vanderhoven7

    More 2 minute evidence...


  • Vidiot
    littlerockguy - The Liberal Democratic party.”

    Trust me, dude, the WTS has way more in common with the Religious Right than anything else.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    She does great videos.

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