Up till now, I just though Lett sounded weird.
Is it just my imagination, or he sound almost… condescending?
i had to post this on jwdotnet.. probably one of the best exjw videos i've ever seen.. watchtower criticism is jehovah's witness advocacy!.
Up till now, I just though Lett sounded weird.
Is it just my imagination, or he sound almost… condescending?
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
@ Hellothere…
You are, IMO, displaying for more sympathy for the GB than they deserve.
what a load of crap this stupid belief was.
i'll give you a couple of examples.
i was the sign language interpreter for our congregation and there was about 15-20 deaf who regularly showed up.
‘Course, having a freaky “significant other” sometimes helps.
what a load of crap this stupid belief was.
i'll give you a couple of examples.
i was the sign language interpreter for our congregation and there was about 15-20 deaf who regularly showed up.
We manage.
Takes years of practice and self-discipline, though.
Quite noble of us, really.
norwegian jehovah's witnesses are in court this wednesday and thursday.
they are fighting the government's decision to remove their registration as a religious community.. .
…the WTS is on such financially shaky ground that the loss of said benefits actually will significantly hamper the Org’s ability to function.
From their POV, that probably would negatively impact their “freedom to practice”.
Frankly, I’d’ve thought the list’d be even longer.
norwegian jehovah's witnesses are in court this wednesday and thursday.
they are fighting the government's decision to remove their registration as a religious community.. .
Anyone who seriously believes that this is just about being able to legally perform marriages is naive.
The only real benefit the Org gets from registration is the regular checks they’d receive from the taxpayers’ coffers.
Which, once again, begs the question, “why would they need financial assistance from the government so badly?”
a fascinating look into the human mind, cults, religion, child abuse, and mental illness colliding with government bureaucracy.. 3rd gen and i watched this tonight.
impossible not to see some similarities between watchtower teachings, fear-mongering, and its "compounds"..
That’s funny.
Being terrified of folks that don’t actually give a shit about you.
we have all watched some of the documentaries about the church of scientology hiring detectives to stalk and harass their former members,( their "apostates").
i have heard of individual cases of rabid jw elders stalking ex-jws, and of course, one would expect some enforcement of corporate copyright infringement on anti-jw websites.. what were the most outrageous jw "stalking" or investigation stories you remember?.
tonight's 60 minutes into ebay stalking a middle-aged couple who writes a newsletter reminded me a lot of the menlo park congregation watchtower "takeover", closure, and stalking of local elders to mind.
Remember, folks..,
…the moment you use heavy-handed (or under-handed) methods in your efforts to claim the moral high ground…
…you forfeit the moral high ground.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Top-Shelf gives off an Angry Old Lush vibe, not a Kiddy-Fiddler vibe.
‘Course, I’ve been wrong before.