I think at least some of rank-and-file members are conditioned to the idea that somehow, sins will (semi-miraculously) be exposed, and it’ll go worse for them if they haven’t confessed ahead of time.
I could be wrong.
'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
I think at least some of rank-and-file members are conditioned to the idea that somehow, sins will (semi-miraculously) be exposed, and it’ll go worse for them if they haven’t confessed ahead of time.
I could be wrong.
do you remember the jw.org book of revelation and how many times we had to study it?
in retrospect, all those hours turned out to be for nothing, the explanation of the prophecies is now completely outdated..
Hell, if you’re creative enough, you could probably find a “Biblical” justification for pogo-sticking naked under a full moon.
in relation to a study program being undertaken i came across this accredited article and thought it would be worth sharing with this group.. https://www.qualitativecriminology.com/pub/osa148h6/release/2.
I originally thought the problem started in the 70s and early 80s as (among other things) a side-effect of the Org’s increased insularness after the 1975 embarrassment and apostate witch-hunts that followed…
…now I’m starting to wonder if the JWs weren’t a pedo playground right from the get-go, and the Org leadership deliberately dialed up the exclusivity and persecution rhetoric - and, by extension, the rank-and-file’s suspicion and mistrust of secular authority…
…specifically to hide it.
in relation to a study program being undertaken i came across this accredited article and thought it would be worth sharing with this group.. https://www.qualitativecriminology.com/pub/osa148h6/release/2.
Wow, that was… exhaustive.
Know what jumped out at me?
300+ known offenders and 700+ known victims in the Southern Baptist Convention reported and documented over 20-odd years.
It’s pretty clear by now that (just numerically, let alone proportionally) the Org has way more of both, though.
And the WTS is fucking tiny compared to the SBC.
'the spokesperson also said that church elders are told to report any allegations of child sexual abuse to the authorities immediately, even if there is only one complainant.'.
is this true?
ThomasMore - “…the floodgates will truly be wide open, and they are already settling more cases out of court than they can afford…”
And good luck maintaining the pretence of “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization” once that starts.
do you remember the jw.org book of revelation and how many times we had to study it?
in retrospect, all those hours turned out to be for nothing, the explanation of the prophecies is now completely outdated..
Journeyman - “…It’s as though they're out of ideas as to how to explain it…”
I have no doubt this is exactly the problem.
Old Freddy Franz’s Cold-War-centric script has gotten pretty dated, and after Ted Jaracz used 9-11 to purge out any of the creative types and out-of-the-box thinkers from WTHQ, there’s no one left with the necessary narrative chops.
Not to mention that - unlike Franz’s time - they can’t crib any other religions’ ideas without being called out on it.
on 10 june 2019, the finnish jw organization lodged an application against finland with the european court of human rights.
the case was quickly - by the court's standards - communicated to the finnish government on 10 december 2019. the complaint itself isn't available online but there is a brief summary (see the link above) prepared by the court:.
the application concerns the jehovah’s witnesses’ religious activities in finland and their compatibility with the data protection regulations.
Something just occurred to me…
…maybe they’ve realized that the Rising Tide of legal troubles is unstoppable at this point, and they hope that if they provoke Satan’s World just enough to trigger mass “persecution” across the board, Jehovah will step in and bail them out with the Big A.
does anyone have a pdf copy of the 800-page book (or reference manual?
) "jehovah's witnesses and disfellowshipping"?.
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls…
…if you have cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.
do you remember the jw.org book of revelation and how many times we had to study it?
in retrospect, all those hours turned out to be for nothing, the explanation of the prophecies is now completely outdated..
Maybe the reason they discontinued the Revelation Climax study is ‘cause they knew that eventually, they’d get into a degree of legal trouble that would call their eschatology into question.
do you remember the jw.org book of revelation and how many times we had to study it?
in retrospect, all those hours turned out to be for nothing, the explanation of the prophecies is now completely outdated..
re. dropoffyourkeylee’s post…
Every villain is the hero of his own story.