Re. The thread title…
… Personally, I don’t think the issue is so much as the desire to censure information, as it’s the frustration of having to compete with all the idiots out there spewing bullshit as fact.
I could be wrong.
'last night's flccc weekly update featured stories of families who fought in court to compel hospitals to give their loved ones ivermectin.
that it has come to this is tragic.
63 studies have now shown ivermectin’s efficacy in all stages of c19 disease.'.
Re. The thread title…
… Personally, I don’t think the issue is so much as the desire to censure information, as it’s the frustration of having to compete with all the idiots out there spewing bullshit as fact.
I could be wrong.
it should be starting to become more clear to people what i've stated for years on this site.
the threat against religion that becomes pivotal will come from lgbtq politicians forcing through " hate crime" bills aimed at religions.
in the past i have had a " maybe" statement from only one commenter.
Quick follow-up…
…looking back, I think that moment was when I first started to realize something that I personally think is significant…
…that if you use heavy-handed (or under-handed) methods in your efforts to claim the moral high ground…
…you forfeit the moral high ground.
it should be starting to become more clear to people what i've stated for years on this site.
the threat against religion that becomes pivotal will come from lgbtq politicians forcing through " hate crime" bills aimed at religions.
in the past i have had a " maybe" statement from only one commenter.
I remember way back in the day, reading Wikipedia’s entry on JWs (still in at the time).
I felt it was fairly accurate, but one thing really stuck out at me…
…the acknowledgment that the WTS had made significant efforts in advancing and protecting freedom of speech (paraphrasing, but not much), but, however, did not practice it internally.
What stopped me short was that I could not, in any honesty, refute that statement.
it should be starting to become more clear to people what i've stated for years on this site.
the threat against religion that becomes pivotal will come from lgbtq politicians forcing through " hate crime" bills aimed at religions.
in the past i have had a " maybe" statement from only one commenter.
Simon - “The rainbow brigade have ridden a wave of regular people being tolerant, but they have overreached and pushed things too far…”
Hard to argue with.
Par for the course when you’re a professional activist, I guess…
…you gotta keep finding a new crusade to wage, or you’re out of a job.
if it’s looking like someone may be disfellowshiped or announced they are no longer a jw and they don’t want to be shunned they just want to fade without being shunned - just say that would make me suicidal .
in the new shepherding book it says if they say that then don’t go ahead with it.
The closest I’ve ever gotten in the past 15-odd years is an aunt telling me it would be nice to see me active again (paraphrasing, but not much).
putting this under "friends" because i couldn't figure out where to put it.
it is very often on here and in ex jw videos, ect that people like to undermine some of those who once we would have called friends.
there seems to be a view that window washers, plumbers, cleaners, construction workers are somehow less intelligent than those who may be college educated.
Label me! Label me!!! Harder!!! I have no safe word!!!
ran across this picture on facebook.
looks like peewee herman had the jump on wearing tight pants many years ago.. .
Tight pants started in the Renaissance.
it should be starting to become more clear to people what i've stated for years on this site.
the threat against religion that becomes pivotal will come from lgbtq politicians forcing through " hate crime" bills aimed at religions.
in the past i have had a " maybe" statement from only one commenter.
JohnTron and Journeyman…
Are you two seriously entertaining the possibility that anything in the Org’s weird-ass End-Times script has even the remotest possibility of actually taking place?
un camps are a provision from jehovah .
Makes sense.
Most internment camps have watchtowers, after all.
atheist scientists now agree that "elasmotherium sibiricu" lived with humans.
all they had to do was read their bible to know that.
job 39:9 “will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?”.
Poe’s Law.