Rattigan350 - “Doesn't everyone know that it was a serpent and serpents have legs?”
One of these guys:
often flicking through watchtower bound volumes i would see pictures of eden which shows the snake in the tree of knowledge with legs??
even the photo drama of creation shows a snake with legs.. watchtower 1964 p.352 "genisis 3;14 {snake}on your belly you will go and dust you shall eat...before god curse it the snake had legs, that elivated it above the ground...god transformed it's body so that it ceased to have legs and was able to move on it's belly.".
god's eternal purpose 1974 "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent family...it had only been victimized by satan.. forrest gump watchtower science is price-less!.
Rattigan350 - “Doesn't everyone know that it was a serpent and serpents have legs?”
One of these guys:
often flicking through watchtower bound volumes i would see pictures of eden which shows the snake in the tree of knowledge with legs??
even the photo drama of creation shows a snake with legs.. watchtower 1964 p.352 "genisis 3;14 {snake}on your belly you will go and dust you shall eat...before god curse it the snake had legs, that elivated it above the ground...god transformed it's body so that it ceased to have legs and was able to move on it's belly.".
god's eternal purpose 1974 "god did not put a curse on the whole serpent family...it had only been victimized by satan.. forrest gump watchtower science is price-less!.
i wonder how many witnesses are aware that the wt and their team of lawyers are currently suing the government of norway for millions of dollars?
i thought that the wt taught that all the governments were run by satan.
when i was a witness, this would have really bothered me.
The part that strikes me the most is that after all these years of basically telling the rank-and-file that anything XJWs say doesn’t count…
…the testimonies of XJWs are taken completely seriously by secular authorities and dovetail perfectly with relevant material that the Org themselves have made.
the faithful evil slave's money-grabbing hypocrisy is beyond laughable!.
w75 12/15 p. 743 - "the religious systems of christendom have constructed magnificent buildings throughout the earth.
they have also amassed great wealth in other forms.
Not to mention all the finger-pointing about child abuse.
the bible says there will be a resurrection of the unrighteous, and now they say it’s wrong to hope unrighteous loved ones die before the end because that would be stupid.
yes it is stupid.. if identical twins both left the truth and one died just before armageddon and the other stayed alive then would he be killed only to be resurrected?.
this new light doesn’t make any sense i know they say we just don’t know.
They created a nemesis in the apostate XJW community, but in their own way, they’ve been a far more worse enemy to themselves then we ever could.
the faithful evil slave's money-grabbing hypocrisy is beyond laughable!.
w75 12/15 p. 743 - "the religious systems of christendom have constructed magnificent buildings throughout the earth.
they have also amassed great wealth in other forms.
Jeezus, they printed this whilst being tax-exempt themselves.
And now that said exemption is approaching the chopping block in more and more countries, they’re freaking out.
i wonder how many witnesses are aware that the wt and their team of lawyers are currently suing the government of norway for millions of dollars?
i thought that the wt taught that all the governments were run by satan.
when i was a witness, this would have really bothered me.
I’ve been following this on Reddit.
I suspect the Org originally wanted to do this on the DL, but because XJWs got wind of it, way more people than expected are watching, and their pride is demanding they stay the course. It’s like the ARC, but with arguably higher stakes.
I’m not gonna summarize, there’s way too much, but if the Reddit (and media) reporting is accurate, I’d be amazed if the Org prevailed.
They’re looking deceitful, entitled, cruel, and frankly, kinda stupid.
And boy-oh-boy, do they seem hungry desperate for the taxpayers’ dime, which is telling in and of itself.
The content of the (presumably) screencapped post.
I’m confused. Is it legit? Is it a joke?
the gb seems to have a bunker mentality, that they are special, and that the world is out to get them, so they tend to keep within their tightly controlled, protective environment.
bottlegate proved that there is some danger outside of the rarified atmosphere of their echo chamber; you never know when a camera might be trained on you, or that someone might recognise you as being something more than plain old "joe citizen".
further, tm3's new address was quickly found and distributed, and (as i understand it) someone drove to his gated community to tell the security guard that tm3's "ass is grass".
Phizzy - “…I wonder what you base your conclusion on please?”
Simply the fact that they can keep on doing it without having a nervous fucking breakdown.
…the fuck???