NotFormer - “I can't see a Samsonesque self-sacrifice by the GB. One, they're strike me as being pretty cowardly. They're great at having others make sacrifices, but aren't that keen on doing it themselves…”
I’m inclined to agree.
That being said, everything we’ve seen and heard reinforces the idea the WT leadership are full-on True Believers…
…and the True Believers at Jonestown chose to crash-and-burn rather than face the alternative. 😵💫
markweatherill - “I wouldn't be surprised if the governing body was discovered to have been taken to heaven just as their great tribulation begins… I'd love to see them apprehended at the airport with one way tickets to a country that has no extradition treaty with the US.”
This is hard to argue with…
…like NotFormer, the current crop at WTHQ strike me as a pretty soft bunch, but they’d rather gargle with broken glass than make the ultimate gamble, declare victory, and then not be vindicated.
They could justify the deception as the lesser of two evils… i.e. worth it to keep the spark alive amongst the rank-and-file, and (more importantly) the Organization alive amongst themselves. 🙄
The luxury bolthole in Argentina’d be off the table, though… their ext-treaty with the US is pretty ironclad.
My money’s on the Caymans…
…’cause unless things have changed, that’s where a big chunk of theirs is.