Fragrant - “…when govt makes wt illegal…”
It’s doubtful that’ll ever happen*…
…and unlikely that they’ll ever need to.
Near as we can tell, the Org’s business model is almost completely dependent on its tax-exemption.
Therefore, federal revenue agencies would only need to revoke their “charity” status (for actual, legitimate violations of the minimum standards for qualification), and insolvency and collapse should follow**.
*Secular western governments are smart enough to realize that would stroke the leadership and rank-and-file’s collective persecution complex, and they’d have to deal with an uptick in membership, activity, and fanaticism.
**Not in the least because they’d suddenly be on the hook for the property taxes on hundreds of millions worth of real estate that, ironically, they themselves gobbled up in a panicked, knee-jerk land grab after the Menlo Park fiasco.