minimus - "...Dating is not a game..."
It's actually more like school.
Weird, no?
Maybe not.
I've given this a shit-ton of thought as a parent, and in the end...
...the way I see it, adolescence is training for adulthood.
You learn to work a job, drive a car, interact (at least semi-)maturely with others, etc., all using training and practice*... because these are necessary skills for functioning as an adult by the time you get there.
And I would argue that the ability to navigate an intimate relationship might qualify, too (for the record, I don't necessarily mean "sexual" when I say "intimate").
Therefore, it stands to reason that learning how to navigate that type of relationship via training and practice - i.e. dating - could be appropriate during that time, too.
I could be wrong about that, but I guarantee you this...
...I would have been a way more well-rounded twentysomething if I hadn't followed the WT rules and dated the nice-looking female high school classmates who liked me.
Then again, if I had broken said rules, I may not have ended up married to the wife I have and become the father of the very kids whose "relationship training" I've given a shit-ton of thought about, so...
...what the fuck do I know?

*the regular definition of the word, not the one the WTS likes to use