@ jhine...
Being happy to go back to church proceeds from the assumption that said church is a place that makes one happy.
Does the average Kingdom Hall fit that bill?
i realize many here think that in-person meetings will return as soon as things are safe with covid.
but many acknowledge it will likely be 2022 or later when this happens.. surprisingly, many pimi jws in our congregation are not shy about saying they are fine with zoom meetings forever and do not want to go back to in-person meetings.
many speculate similar thoughts that are on this site....such as a combination of in-person and zoom meetings.
@ jhine...
Being happy to go back to church proceeds from the assumption that said church is a place that makes one happy.
Does the average Kingdom Hall fit that bill?
the fact that the majority of the world jumps when you say 'god' is traced back to one guy.
constantine, this is the one man that made christianity the official religion rome thus masking the beliefs of people until the reformation a literal hell.. oh yes mohamed knew his teaching later.. when you say 'god' as if other people are supposed to be impressed you owe that to constantine.
not a mythical figure named jesus, .
My favorite Constantine moment was his nifty little conversation with Lucifer on the Flash episode of "Crisis on Infinite Earths"...
...oh, wait...
...Emperor Constantine...
...my mistake.
["covid-19 vaccines can’t alter your dna, here’s why"]
can covid-19 vaccines alter my dna?
no, covid-19 vaccines do not alter your dna.
Disillusioned JW - "The Covid-19 vaccines do NOT alter human genes..."
That's a relief.
I was worried I'd have to replace my social media profile pic with this:
the sunday speaker was one of those very smooth younger ones with the "look".
store bought haircut and a very pretty wife ( the kind that makeup isn't needed, side point).. i tongue tied a comment to my wife about maybe he was a bethelite who was reassigned and said bethelout by mistake.
i like the word.
"Bethelout's got The Look."
WT loyalism meets Roxette.
I'm gonna be chuckling about that all day.
most every state has a plan to get back to normalcy.
many countries also are ready to get their citizens on the road to recovery.. where does this leave the witnesses?
will they ever go back to house to house ministry?
I think it's become pretty clear that the WTS will do whatever they must in order to...
a) ...reduce liability, maintain revenue flow, and preserve their tax-exemption to stay financially solvent, and...
b) ...above all else, reinforce the fiction of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization" amongst the membership.
The real problems will come when the steps they need to take to accomplish the first...
...can't help but undermine the second.
with the built of new jw.org media studio's we can predict the future of the jw religion.. because we are living in an age of digital media, what will be the effect of this all?.
will the religion generate a new population?
we know video media is a strong marketing tool.. like to hear your thoughts.. gorby .
Barb Anderson called it.
She said the Org was morphing into an "e-church" before some of us even knew what that was.
i realize many here think that in-person meetings will return as soon as things are safe with covid.
but many acknowledge it will likely be 2022 or later when this happens.. surprisingly, many pimi jws in our congregation are not shy about saying they are fine with zoom meetings forever and do not want to go back to in-person meetings.
many speculate similar thoughts that are on this site....such as a combination of in-person and zoom meetings.
Bitch, please.
I have teenage kids.
Every day is laundry day.
https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/18/us/north-carolina-wrongful-conviction-compensation/index.html .
waton - "It is expensive to fight crime..."
I know, right?
Luke Cage still wears the same bullet-holed hoodie, Spider-Man has to deliver pizzas to make ends meet, and the Batcave's wi-fi alone must cost a goddamn fortune.
a newspaper article quotes a jw as saying "every (letter) i put in the mailbox, i feel, 'ah, this could reach somebody.
'" the article also quotes her as saying "we are accomplishing even more now than we were door-to-door because this way everybody in the house gets a chance to pick up that letter and respond to it.
it just feels good.
dozy - "...In one of Franz's books, the GB allude to this in one meeting when discussing the ministry and one of the GB members bewailing 'What will the brothers do, then?' when discussing the lack of biblical basis for the preaching work..."
I remember that bit.
Of course, the real reason for the door-to-door ministry was its record-keeping aspect.
The WTS has never been interested in things like soup kitchens or clothing drives (too little chance of return on the investment, I suppose)...
...so they needed something else to justify their "charity" status, and the sweet, sweet tax-exemption that comes with it.
And so was born house-to-house records, a.k.a. a paper trail, (that could also be easily backed up by visual confirmation from millions of annoyed homeowners) just in case they were ever audited.
Note: I suspect that - like the pedo problem - the rest of the GB were able to keep Ray Franz out of the loop about this particular quirk of the Org's business model.
it seems that some people just aren’t ready to put those masks aside even if they are fully vaccinated!
some can’t help but think their brains aren’t ready for “normal”..
I made my own mask.
Out of tinfoil.
Double protection, just in case.
But it's not as comfortable as the hat.