Rocketman123 - "...the reason the WTS did what they did in such a irresponsibly way in situations of pedophilia within the organization is because the bible told them what to do..."
Partly, but there's more to it.
By the time it became a real problem, WT leaders and loyalists couldn't conceive that those so-called Biblical applications might be inadequate compared to the methods of "The World", let alone make the mess worse rather than better.
More importantly, though, on some level, they realized that reporting it to secular authorities would trigger further investigations that would likely reveal even more abuse...
...which ran the risk of becoming a matter of public record...
...which would, in turn, cast even further doubt (amongst the rank-and-file) on the all-important claim of "God's Exclusive Earthly Organization"...
...which, in the wake of the one-two punch of the 1975 failure and the Ray Franz defection, simply could not be permitted under any circumstances.
So they used the "two-witness" rule as a weapon to hide the problem rather than fix it.