And the tide rises another couple inches.
Posts by Vidiot
Shocking failures’ in child protection in religious institutions, report finds
by AndersonsInfo inttps://
‘shocking failures’ in child protection in religious institutions, report finds.
religious institutions are failing to protect children from abuse, according to the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse..
Religious groups in UK failing children over sex abuse, report says - BBC News
by ballistic in
this item just featured on the bbc lunchtime news today as the headline story and the piece included a reporter who singled out jehovah's witnesses for discussion from the 30 organisations covered by the report.
the news item then went on to feature an extensive interview ex elder and ex jehovah's witness writer lloyd evans..
@ BluesBrother...
Never gonna happen.
Know why?
'Cause both would result in further investigation...
...which runs too high a risk (from the Org's POV) of revealing a history of further non-reporting of more abuse (not to mention an even greater shortage of otherwise "qualified" brothers no longer able to run the Org at the grassroots level).
In addition (and for more importantly), the information increasingly becoming part of the public record becomes more and more accessible to the rank-and-file, which, in turn, too deeply undermines the fiction of "God's Earthly Organization".
From the WTS's perspective, that simply cannot be permitted, at any cost.
Is most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the WT, charlatanism?
by Disillusioned JW inis most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the wt, charlatanism?. [which has an article called "creationism: bad science or immoral pseudoscience?
- (an expose of creationist dr. duane gish)"] says the following.. 'a look at the "scientific" creationist movement and a close examination of the tactics of a well-known and influential creationist will reveal that the creation "science" movement gains much of its strength through the use of distortion and scientifically unethical tactics.. .... with the facts explained and the lawsuits won, scientists declared victory and returned to their labs and offices.
As I've said many times before, it's all moot, really.
Despite how hard creationists try to convince others of the scientific basis of their beliefs, the real reason is solely theological...
...their religious cosmology is dependent on the assertion that the Eden narrative in Genesis is historical.
If evolution is true, then Genesis is allegorical, and that simply won't work for them.
On sky news this evening
by Fadeaway1962 in
The more smoke a rank-and-filer sees, the harder it'll be to deny there's a fire.
Remembering Rutherford
by Sea Breeze inhe seems to me to be the angriest and most ill-tempered of all the wt presidents, especially after his stint in prison and failed prophecies.. “regarding his misguided statements as to what we could expect in 1925, he [rutherford] once confessed to us at bethel, “i made an ass of myself.”” watchtower 1984 oct 1 p.24.
rutherford died at beth sarim on january 8, 1942, at the age of 72.
[220] cause of death was...carcinoma of the rectum..."[21] .
Sea Breeze - "...He seems to me to be the angriest and most ill-tempered of all the WT presidents..."
In another life, he and Father Coughlin would have been BFFs.
If all GB members died at once?
by Jofi_Wofo ini don't suppose anyone knows for sure, but do we have any kind of hint of what would happen if all of the governing body members died at the same time- such that nobody was left to appoint successors?
in lieu of any solid evidence, i'd also be interested in hearing some speculation based on what we already know about the organizational structure.. it would certainly throw a wrench in either the teaching that the faithful and discreet slave will survive into the great tribulation and/or the implied doctrine that the the gb succession arrangement is justifiable biblically.
let me firmly disclaim any implication that i am encouraging violence or wishing death on the governing body.
...aren't all the current GB members supposed to
rapturedtaken away by Jehovah at the start of the Great Trib?So, if they all kicked the bucket at once, wouldn't that break JW loyalists' brains?
If all GB members died at once?
by Jofi_Wofo ini don't suppose anyone knows for sure, but do we have any kind of hint of what would happen if all of the governing body members died at the same time- such that nobody was left to appoint successors?
in lieu of any solid evidence, i'd also be interested in hearing some speculation based on what we already know about the organizational structure.. it would certainly throw a wrench in either the teaching that the faithful and discreet slave will survive into the great tribulation and/or the implied doctrine that the the gb succession arrangement is justifiable biblically.
let me firmly disclaim any implication that i am encouraging violence or wishing death on the governing body.
"Meet the New Boss... same as the Old Boss..."
9 Year Old Used Basic Logic And Came To An "Apostate" Conclusion
by pistolpete inrelated experience;.
basically what happened is my mom was studying with my 9 year old sibling and they were talking about the paradise.
my sibling then proceeded to ask, in a clearly joking way, "what if jehovah was tricking us and we don't go to paradise?
I lie all the time.
In fact, I'm lying right now.
YHWH or is it HWHY ?
by zachias ini ask this as hebrew is read from right to left.. reasonable input is welcome..
"...I'm on a Yaaaahweh to hell... Yaaaahweh to hell..."