Like I said the other day...
...a school of hungry piranhas can fuck up your shit way worse than one shark.
france: possible lawsuit to confront the leaders of jehovah's witnesses in france about the "judicial committees" conducted in the congregations.
contact mr. nicolas jacquette:
message translated with google translate :.
Like I said the other day...
...a school of hungry piranhas can fuck up your shit way worse than one shark.
woke up to this piece on abc news australia..
the shine lawyer group have a reputation for going in hard.. jtg..
Sure, they “exercise their personal religious conscience… to limit or cease their association with a disfellowshipped person"...
...'cause if they don't, the rest of the community will be required to “exercise their personal religious conscience … to limit or cease their association" with them...
...and so on, and so forth...
Here's a handy tip...
...if you're compelled to "exercise your religious conscience" to do something under threat of sanction, it's no longer an "exercise of religious conscience".
It's just coercion.
how many deaths were instigated which could be prevented?watchtower policies against vaccines left faithful sheep vulnerable to horrible consequences.antitoxins and vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, anthrax, cholera, plague, typhoid, tuberculosis, and more were developed through the 1930s.. 1921 - "vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice" - golden age oct 12, 1921, p.17.
1923 - "vaccination, summed up, is the most unhygienic, barbaric, filthy, abhorrent, and most dangerous system of infection known.
Figures that the Org was once anti-vax.
Ten bucks says they flip-flopped 'cause their qualifications for tax-exemption came under a bit of scrutiny.
two observations here.
(1) i just saw a segment on the 4 corners documentary involving erwin zalkin.
the u.s lawyer involved in the law suites against watchtower.
zachias - "In Australia its my understanding that a 'dont watch it' note was sent out..."
Clearly, the Org has never heard of the Streisand Effect.
now, many years later, i remember the 1995 generation change, very well.. since early youth, hearing my father explaining in field service the 2520 years.
it was his main theme in the field.. with the change my doubts started.
with some jw friends we did not trust the organization anymore.
I've mentioned this before, but I was, weirdly enough, kind of relieved when they changed the Generation teaching.
I was still a believer at the time back then, but by the mid-90s, I was cognizant enough about current events that I realized that some time was probably still needed for all the ducks to line up before the Great Trib trigger was pulled, and I'd grasped that - based on prior (assumed) chronology - time was running out.
I kinda viewed it as the Org having bought some time to still (somehow) be right.
you are sadly mistaken.. i hear people say it on here all the time, and dare i say his name *cough* lloyd evans *cough* has said it a number of times, that watchtower is running scared and watchtower is in decline….. we need to put in perspective the decrease from the 2020 report.
if we calculate a yearly -0.6 decrease over a 10 year period from 2020 figures it leaves us the grand total number of witnesses of:.
by 2030: - 7,933,479. by 2040: - 7,471,357. by 2050: - 7,036,154. i agree that this is a significant decrease, but let’s not kid ourselves, the wt organisation will still be alive and well even with an annual 0.6% loss.
Pretty sure they're at least "plateauing"; take every number they give out with a Gibraltor-sized pile of salt.
And when I say "decline", I'm mostly referring to their influence and security.
reported in the news today - let's hope victims are duly compensated for their suffering and the org is taken to the cleaners..
cheeses - the wholly holey holy one..
Oh, it happened.
It was reported on by intrepid journalists a couple years back.
new cases:.
diaz case, filed on 10/21/2020 by zalkin law firm - two plaintiffs abused (here and hereinafter - allegedly) by two ministerial servants in 1970s.. iglesias case, filed on 10/19/2020 by eisenberg & baum, llp against various nyc and wt entities - abused by an "elder john doe" and "[travelling] overseer john" in 1970s and 1980s.. aldridge case, filed 10/06/2020 by zalkin law firm - abused by a congregation elder in 1970s.. older cases:.
tarry case (no 1 and no 2), filed on 09/17/2019 and 07/23/2020 by parker waichman llp - abused by a publisher in 1984. very weak case.
One last thing.
For anyone who thinks this is all taking too long, or that all these little individual court cases aren't really making a difference, just remember...
...a swarm of hungry piranhas can fuck up your shit way worse than one big shark.
imagine the "faithful" jws who are now having to talk to this person by court order or face the consequences----legally.. exjws are spreading the news and now some exjws who have been disfellowshipped for years are starting to research to see if this is an option in their country.
here are the articles, you need to translate in google.
This is weird, to say the least.
Personally, I think opponents of the WTS should focus on more concrete methods of fighting them, but that's just me.
new cases:.
diaz case, filed on 10/21/2020 by zalkin law firm - two plaintiffs abused (here and hereinafter - allegedly) by two ministerial servants in 1970s.. iglesias case, filed on 10/19/2020 by eisenberg & baum, llp against various nyc and wt entities - abused by an "elder john doe" and "[travelling] overseer john" in 1970s and 1980s.. aldridge case, filed 10/06/2020 by zalkin law firm - abused by a congregation elder in 1970s.. older cases:.
tarry case (no 1 and no 2), filed on 09/17/2019 and 07/23/2020 by parker waichman llp - abused by a publisher in 1984. very weak case.
BluesBrother - "...if they settle out of court it does not mean that anyone’s guilty... ( if you believe Mr Splane )"
Technically true... but it also means you were a lot less likely to win the case.
Not to mention that settling almost always comes with a gag order (although that seems almost quaint at this point ).