hoser - "I see the watchtower corporation as a rudderless, captainless vessel steaming at full power in an ocean full of icebergs."
Or a fucking train wreck in slow motion.
Sure is interesting to watch, though.
if you are a jw you think god is punishing watchtower?
after watchtower got banned in russia and buildings seized, lot's jws said russia would be punished.
org kept losing in court with child abuse cases.
hoser - "I see the watchtower corporation as a rudderless, captainless vessel steaming at full power in an ocean full of icebergs."
Or a fucking train wreck in slow motion.
Sure is interesting to watch, though.
what “the abomination that causes desolation” mentioned in mathew 24:15 means could be understood only by close followers of jesus because it was part of his personal discussion with them.
by stopping to greet those whom they consider as “their enemies” jws are identifying themselves as “pagans,” according to jesus.
(mathew 5:43-48) thus they cannot correctly understand what the abomination that causes desolation” that would appear as part of signs of “last days.”.
"...Abominations... desolations... interpretations... that's all you're gonna find down here!"
so i have not been to a kh for 26 years.
if i wanted to dissociate what would be the procedure and is there any gain in doing it so long after i left?.
Balaamsass2 - “If no one is bothering you, why wake a sleeping dog?”
To loyalists in leadership positions, inactives are a potential threat.
They need to suss out potential “apostates” and DF them, so that the rest of the rank-and-file don’t talk to them and find out why they’re inactive.
Procrastinate? 😁
so, i saw dune (1984) yesterday.
i knew it wasn't gonna be great, but deary me.
i'm not gonna lie - this film is not good, in fact it's laughably bad in places.. first, i'd like to know the thought process that went behind choosing david lynch to write/direct.
Re. Dune ‘84…
…personally I think Lynch was given an impossible task.
if i was a jw, and covid put and end to the door to door work for two years, and kingdom halls closed, it would get me to re-visit and think about the stupidity of the overlapping generation, and how they extended the deadline for armageddon to 2072.
(1992 franz death +80 more years).
if i was 20 years of age, plus another 80 = 100 years of age for the system to end.
I still think discontinuing the door-to-door work and switching over to online fellowship were always on the to-do list, and that Covid simply gave them a convenient pretext.
no one can steal your thunder when you are the fucking storm!
If you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.
doesn`t the god of the bible condemn him/her self ,incriminate him/her self by the writings as god`s word?.
any human charged with what god has done in the bible would be labelled a monster and either executed or spent a lifetime in prison..
Dies a bear shit in the woods?
we just had our co visit a few weeks ago.
apparently, he was encouraging all who could to regular pioneer, to at least try it out for a year.
because of this, we had a few people in our hall become one.. so this weekend we were on zoom service, and the sister that was just appointed was talking about it.
"Proof" for the draft board, huh?
I never heard of that; must have been more of an American thing.
Makes sense, though.
Although I'd've thought the Org leadership would prefer young guys to be imprisoned rather than given a pass...
...they sure liked setting up the rank-and-file for "persecution" back in the day, after all.
do jehovah's witnesses interpret the bible properly?.
jehovah's witnesses see the bible as an organizational book which only the faithful and discreet slave (currently 8 men headquartered in warwick new york) can interpret properly.
the faithful slave was first appointed in brooklyn in 1919 and given the exclusive right and ability to understand and teach the bible properly.
Personally, I don't think there is a "correct" way to interpret the Bible...
...but there are endless agenda-driven ways to do it.