Anything by Bob Dylan.
Posts by Vidiot
Silly song lyrics
by jhine inafter a conversation with hubby l started thinking about silly lyrics in songs , of which there are many .bang a gong by marc bolan is pretty daft , although apparently his lyrics are deep .
do you have any favourite daft lyrics?
So many are waking up. Pandemic gave jws time to think.
by pistolpete inthis is not about stats, but "actual experiences" happening world wide in the organization.
there is about 156 comments of what some jws are seeing in their congregation.
feel free to read and come to your own conclusion on whether the watchtower organization is turning pimo but no one says anything in order to keep family relations.
Regular booster shots are almost always necessary to maintain any kind of ideology.
In the WTS, in-person group activities like regular attendance and ministry work were vital for that.
How they expect to maintain group cohesion and solidarity without them is a mystery to me.
Except maybe by dialling the rhetoric up to 11.
R movies
by road to nowhere inwitnesses never watch r movies.
but they understand references to wood chippers and banjo music.. other than that the rating system is not worldwide .
I remember when I first realized how disingenuous the Org forbidding R-rated movies was, considering just how much graphic violence, horror, and sex the Bible actually contains*.
I firmly believe Eli Roth and Quentin Tarantino are huge fans.
(*Right around the time I started reading to my kids, now that I think about it.)
New year's predictions for watchtower.
by asp59 inwell don't know if this page has tread for new years predictions or with date it starts.
so might as well start now.
my new year's prediction for watchtower would be a big big sell out of kingdom hall's.
"...there will not be any public editions of the Watchtower or Awake for several months... hunker down in your
bunkersbasements, and wait for the NWO stormtroopers to come round-you-up-slash-persecute you, whilst the GB and a few select helpersfuck off to the Caymansare raptured away..."...eventually.
We swear."
I think the Jw Religion is getting better. Not by choice.
by pistolpete inone of my jw family member had a big get together.
he invited a lot of his jw friends.
there was teenage kids, couples, singles.
re. asp59's post...
First I've ever heard of it.
Why it takes a long time to bring a religious cult down.
by pistolpete ini think the first thing to consider is that it takes a while for humans to wake up to the truth.
this is not just a jw thing.
around 1600 ad, galileo challenged the catholic church's long held view that the earth was the center of our universe.
Take any numbers the Org puts out with a Gibraltar-sized grain of salt.
New Article - Birthdays, Why the Watchtower stance is wrong
by jwfacts ini have a new article at outlining why the watchtower stance against birthdays is wrong.
there have been a number of threads on jwn discussing this, and the article collates and summarises the points raised in these threads.
please feel free to point out any errors in grammar or logic.
What dropoffyourkeylee said.
It's been a really effective way of socially isolating JWs from non-members.
JW News - yup it's a thing
by neat blue dog inyou might have seen my post a little while ago about how they were throwing around a new term, "jw news" and inserting it in articles.
well now they went ahead and made a logo for it.. .
oh brother 🤣 i wonder if this'll be part of the programming on jw studios' paid streaming service 😉.
"This just in...
...the Faithful Slave would like to (lovingly) remind you that we are deep, deep, deeeep in the Time of the End (TM), to remember to Listen, Obey, and Be Blessed, and to ignore all those apostate-driven lies about pedophiles, declining attendance, or mass real estate liquidations.
Or else.
In other news, stay tuned for a behind-the-scenes look at JesusVision, the new and exciting limited series, debuting eventually, exclusively on JW Broadcasting."
NASA hiring religious leaders on extraterrestrial life....
by mikeflood innasa hiring religious leaders just in case they found extraterrestrial life, at priceton university's center of theological inquiry.
just of curiosity, if nasa find something, how do you think the borg is gonna spin it.
A funny thing about ETs...
...American Evangelical ideology and cosmology (the JW variation included) doesn't really allow for the possibility of them.
I have, in fact, heard that it's one of the real reasons why UFO research has been so publicly stymied in the US for so long...
...numerous high-ranking military officials and politicians have subscribed to those belief systems and used their influence to avoid the issue, because it too deeply - and uncomfortably - challenged their belief systems.
Not to mention that politically, Evangelical Christians were too large a voting bloc to... well... alienate.
BTW... even as a young guy, I'd grasped that if a full-on First Contact scenario actually took place, the WTS would not handle it at all well.
New light and confessing to congregations.
by asp59 in2017 - wt: the gb is neither inspired or infallible and can err in doctrine and organisational matters... clearly gb have received biblical information about things that been done wrong.
not from god directly, but letters received at headquarters.
if important new light about biblical matters have come to the gb attention, why are they not telling the congregations about that information?
Like I keep saying…
…they know it’s wrong, but believe it’s true…
…at the same time.