ThomasMore - “…Ted never faced the investigative committee. Instead, he had Garrett Loesch form a JC and DF them…”
Holy shitballs, I didn’t know that. 😳
at the silentlambs march in brooklyn ny on september 27, 2002 a woman made a public statement which began, .
i'm pat garza, and i'm here today because i was raped by theodore jaracz when i was a little girl, in the city of los angeles, he was district servant.
there are two boys; their initials are "m.v.
ThomasMore - “…Ted never faced the investigative committee. Instead, he had Garrett Loesch form a JC and DF them…”
Holy shitballs, I didn’t know that. 😳
published december 22, 2022. the state manager in oslo and viken has decided to withdraw jehovah's witnesses registration as a religious community under the religious society act.. .
we sent a notice to jehovah's witnesses about possible loss of registration on october 25 this year.
ThomasMore - “…Donations are down because so many are leaving. Elderly who were the largest contributors are passing away. Younger JWs do not contribute as much as their parents did…”
Not to mention that statistically, the vast majority of present-day rank-and-filers are the least educated - and, therefore, the lowest earning - religious demographic in the US…
…so they ain’t got much to give and make ends meet in the first place.
i like to check google news for "jehovah" every month to see what's new...".
man suspected of sexually assaulting a child, search warrant executed at kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses near woodland park" "teller county, colo. (kktv) - a 60-year-old man is suspected of sexually assaulting a child in the woodland park area.. the teller county sheriff’s office announced the arrest of shawn lance swisher on tuesday.. “a search warrant of swisher’s residence was also completed at the time of his arrest,” part of a news release issued by the teller county sheriff’s office reads.
“the second search warrant was executed at the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses near woodland park.
Pshh, yeah, good luck with that. 😄
michael moore writes:.
a cult is an organization that enslaves minds and destroys families using cult mind control.
cult mind control involves orchestrated deception, social pressure, psychological abuse, and repetitive indoctrination (brainwashing) centering around an unchallengeable ideology enforced in a totalitarian way in a closed socially-separatist community setting.
littlerockguy - “ The Liberal Democratic party.”
Trust me, dude, the WTS has way more in common with the Religious Right than anything else.
published december 22, 2022. the state manager in oslo and viken has decided to withdraw jehovah's witnesses registration as a religious community under the religious society act.. .
we sent a notice to jehovah's witnesses about possible loss of registration on october 25 this year.
…the Org blinked at the last minute and signed up (under protest) to Australia’s CSA redress scheme (essentially a public admission that the problem was real), when their “charity” status (i.e. tax-exemption) was about to be revoked…
…they’re hollering “persecution!” And “religious freedom!” when they get cut off the public teat (i.e. tax subsidies) in Norway after refusing to follow the rules required to qualify…
…they’re flipping real estate like it’s going out of style and greenlighting multimedia initiatives with next to no planning…
…and they’re losing court case after court case and constantly paying out settlements with absolutely no end in sight.
Just how bad IS the Org’s financial situation?
They got $3B for the Brooklyn properties… where the fuck did it go?
michael moore writes:.
a cult is an organization that enslaves minds and destroys families using cult mind control.
cult mind control involves orchestrated deception, social pressure, psychological abuse, and repetitive indoctrination (brainwashing) centering around an unchallengeable ideology enforced in a totalitarian way in a closed socially-separatist community setting.
We can thank Jonestown, the Hare Krishnas, and the Heaven’s Gate loonies for the public’s common perception of what cults look like. Compared to them, polite, well-dressed door-knockers get an easy pass.
One of the reasons I prefer the term “authoritarian high-control group”.
Wordier and kinda pedantic, but break it down to its individual components, and I think even the most hardcore loyalist would have trouble disputing the label.
I could be wrong.
published december 22, 2022. the state manager in oslo and viken has decided to withdraw jehovah's witnesses registration as a religious community under the religious society act.. .
we sent a notice to jehovah's witnesses about possible loss of registration on october 25 this year.
Two things’ll happen with the rank-and-file.
As Beth said, the hardcore loyalists will lose their shit and parrot the GB’s complaints verbatim, no matter how ridiculous it sounds…
…a significant remainder will be surprised that the WTS was getting regular checks from the government for essentially doing nothing in the first place, and will - quite reasonably - scratch their heads over why the fuck the Org is making such a big deal about this.
Don’t they realize that the more they holler about stupid shit, the more childish and embarrassing they look (not to mention the more their toxic behaviour gets scrutinized), to the point where anyone with half a brain rolls their eyes so hard it hurts?
Honestly, it seems like every time the WTS opens its mouth these days, the foot just goes straight in.
i like to check google news for "jehovah" every month to see what's new...".
man suspected of sexually assaulting a child, search warrant executed at kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses near woodland park" "teller county, colo. (kktv) - a 60-year-old man is suspected of sexually assaulting a child in the woodland park area.. the teller county sheriff’s office announced the arrest of shawn lance swisher on tuesday.. “a search warrant of swisher’s residence was also completed at the time of his arrest,” part of a news release issued by the teller county sheriff’s office reads.
“the second search warrant was executed at the kingdom hall of jehovah’s witnesses near woodland park.
“Shred the fucking files!!! SHRED THE FUCKING FILES!!!!”
published december 22, 2022. the state manager in oslo and viken has decided to withdraw jehovah's witnesses registration as a religious community under the religious society act.. .
we sent a notice to jehovah's witnesses about possible loss of registration on october 25 this year.
“Oh, yeah, baby! Persecute me! Persecute me!!! Harder!!! I have no safe word!!!”
08:20 27.1.kristoffer solberg.
jehovah's witnesses denied state aid.
Personally, I think if you’re defending an ideology, you should have the balls to lay all the cards on the table, come what may (say what you will about the WT reps who testified for the Walsh Trial; at least they owned that shit)…
…your ideology is, in fact, on such shaky ground that you have no choice but to cheat.
And if that’s the case… 😵💫