@ neat blue dog & littlerockguy…
20 years ago, I didn’t know anything about Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, or liberals… I was raised a JW, for Chrissakes.
But I did happen, in passing, to find out about the Religious Right, and was stunned that the belief patterns and attitudes ticked almost all the same boxes as the WTS… authoritarianism, Biblical literalism, misogyny, the list went on.
The only really significant difference I could see were their respective positions on political involvement… other than that, the Org seemed like the Religious Right in microcosm.
I am 100% convinced that if things had gone differently and the Christian Nationalists had achieved the degree of power in Washington the way they really wanted to, the WTS would have absofuckinglutely played ball with them.
And that made me feel just a little too uncomfortable with both.