Captives to the concept.
Posts by Vidiot
Everyone must come to THE ORG for salvation!
by BoogerMan inw81 11/15 p. 21 par.
18 ‘stay awake and keep your senses’ - "...the witness yet includes the invitation to come to jehovah’s organization for salvation...".
such an ironic & tragic title for the article!.
mentally ill/delusional or con artist?
by enoughisenough inmaybe this has been discussed in the past and i wasn't here... what do you think?
are the gb members knowingly pulling a con, or do they have delusions of grandeur?
i will go out on a limb here to say that i think they are con artist.
@ Phizzy…
Actually, I suspect authoritarian leaders don’t experience cognitive dissonance.
mentally ill/delusional or con artist?
by enoughisenough inmaybe this has been discussed in the past and i wasn't here... what do you think?
are the gb members knowingly pulling a con, or do they have delusions of grandeur?
i will go out on a limb here to say that i think they are con artist.
They know it’s wrong…
…and believe it’s true…
…at the same time.
The "Time of the End"
by Rivergang infor those who still hold to the belief that the last 109 years have been part of "the time of the end", consider this: .
it would have been quite understandable if those alive during the middle of the 6th century ad believed the "end was nigh.".
Personally, I suspect the Org keeps hollering “any day now, any day now, any day now” ‘cause by this point, they know that the Big A is about the only thing that could save ‘em from all the consequences of their screwups.
'I was born and raised a Jehovah's Witness, and they protect their abusers.'
by was a new boy intoday feb.1 2023. state college, pa.. 33:33.
It is about their “public image”…
…inasmuch as it ensures they retain their charity-slash-tax-exemption.
First and foremost, though…
…it’s about reinforcing their legitimacy and authority in the eyes of the membership.
And nothing undermines the premise of “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization” quite like the CSA problem.
Religious Trauma and the Fear of Armageddon
by LostintheFog1999 inapparently it isn't just jw children who live with a fear of dying at armageddon, kids from born again families live with a similar fear, as this article explores.
Data-Dog - “… There seems to be no shortage of people who live in fear of the End…”
Or are getting impatient for it.
Watchtower Accepts Money from the Norwegian gambling Authority
by Newly Enlightened ingreat find jonas!!!.
Sometimes I catch myself wondering if they’re already in hock to the mob.
My experience as a JW for 37 years. I dogded the bullet that many of you experienced .
by smiddy3 inhi friend`s ,i just had to share my experience ,and surely there must be others on this board who had similar experiences that i had.. i was a jw for 37 years ,been out for about 20 years or so .however we as a family never had the problems that so many of you seem to have had .. none of our, my wife and i , immediate families have ever been jw`s.. i converted when i was about 20 years old in about 1960 and as i say remained in converted my wife and brought up two sons in the "truth" for about 37 years .. my 1st and 2nd congregations i attended in melbourne aust.
were very conservative and not very wholesome looking back.. however moving interstate to s.e.queensland in redcliffe was a whole new experience.. it was far more liberal and relaxed.. i befriend a couple of elders and ms `s who enjoyed an ale or two which was right up my alley.. and we went on camping expeditions on both fraser and moreton islands ,both just off the coast of brisbane.. i was a ms for many years there never pioneered or served where the need was great and always had steady employment in the world which probably kept my head above the clouds so to speak.. none of my family ,wife two boys and their wives are jw`s ,we have all left many years ago.. anybody else had negative effects of being a witness for many years ?.
I never really had any bad experiences as a JW.
I just realized I wasn’t particularly happy being one, and eventually figured out it wasn’t really “the Truth”, anyway.
Lucky, I guess.
UK kingdom halls closing
by Farmer Jim1 incan anyone out there that is pimo give an update on the rate of kingdom halls closing in the uk?.
i was expecting a fire sale a few years back but i haven't heard much.
some congregations that were struggling back in my day still seem to be holding on to their halls..
re. Indoubt’s post…
Never underestimate the power of passive resistance.
The Hubris of the Governing Body
by cofty init's difficult to comprehend how arrogant the members of the governing body must be to sanction much of the content that appears in their literature.
they identify themselves as the 'faithful and discreet slave' - that alone requires an astonishing degree of pride.
but what is even more amazing - arguably to the level of insanity - is the way they then use that phrase to elevate themselves above the rest of the organisation.
I think repeatedly labelling themselves as the FDS is done to unconsciously reinforce their righteousness - and, therefore, legitimacy and authority - in the eyes of the rank-and-file.
Like calling it “The Truth” over and over and over.