Back in the day, Rick Fearon and Six Screens were the Alex Jones and PrisonPlanet of the XJW community, and I absolutely believe that his antics scared doubting but fearful JWs back to the WTS…
…he was such a perfect “apostate” poster-boy that when I was in a conspiracy-theory mood, I’d often wonder if the Org actually created him and his website as some sort of misguided false-flag tactic, and it got away from ‘em. 😁
I will admit, though… he does seem to have calmed down a bit as he’s gotten older (most of us do, after all), but IMO, he should direct his criticism more specifically at the Watchtower, and less at JWs in general.
Calling ‘em “zombies”, for example, doesn’t help… your average JWs-on-the-street are fairly decent folks.
…for now, anyway…
…who the fuck knows how full-on loyalist lifers are gonna start acting if things keep going the way they are. 😵💫