The govt doesn’t need to ban ‘em.
All they gotta do is revoke their charity status, and they’re sunk.
so what's been going on in wt land since january 2023?.
recap and summary of events most jehovah’s witnesses are not aware of:.
1) pennsylvania attorney general statewide investigation of jehovah’s witness elders' child sex abuse cases.
The govt doesn’t need to ban ‘em.
All they gotta do is revoke their charity status, and they’re sunk.
How can “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization”…
…go bankrupt???
Ah, thanks.
”Full disclosure” in movie-lawyer-speak.
“In discovery”?
Sorry, what does that mean?
even though i'm disfellowshiped ( & i belive wrongfully so).
i still belive this is the truth.
i have been d'f for about 8 months now and working on reinstatement.
Why would there need to be one?
j. arden writes.
first of all an apostate is literally just someone who left.
most jws are technically apostates from the religions they were raised in.
Activism can take many forms.
An argument could be made that simply participating on this forum qualifies as activism.
i'd like to start this post with a part from the movie 'v for vendetta'.
here in a dystopian state, the main character named v, explains why things have gone so bad ....
those who do not want us to speak.
no-zombie - “Do we blame the Governing Body too much?”
…since they’ve taken on the mantle of authority and therefore the responsibility to actually fix the problems, I’d say…
i want to take a moment to salute rick fearon, an "apostate" near boston massachusetts usa who more than 17 years ago started the sixscreens telenetwork on youtube.
you can find it here: https://www (dot) youtube (dot) com/ (at) araretreat/streams.. like our benevolent host simon green here at, rick has not done his great work for his own financial enrichment or to collect followers for himself, as some xjw grifters have done and continue to do.. saturdays and sundays are the busy days at six screens, with call-in programs like:.
* jw world news.
Rick can be entertaining…
…play his videos and podcasts at 1.25x speed, and he sounds like Peter Griffin.
I’m kinda with Wing on this one, actually… IMO, over-the-top ranting ain’t the way to go.
Well-crafted sardonic humor, though?
I could watch her eat popsicles all day.
i know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
I’ve said this before…
…the LDS is the WTS’s nicer but weirder older cousin.
in this jw training video, an elder gets deleted because his daughter has "stumbled" other jw's by pursuing higher education.
@ 13.35 -
Another example of blind faith’s blowback.
All they saw were university graduates “leaving the Truth”, and reacted.
They never anticipated that less educated people would become the lowest income earners, and therefore, the lowest monetary contributors…
…and probably assumed Armageddon would arrive before it ever became real problem, anyway (not unlike the CSA issue).