FFGost - “…Some of the most hysterically vicious comments I’ve ever heard were JWs ranting, sometimes at a meeting, sometimes in a private setting, about either gays or evolution… Just solely directed toward, as you noted, persons or concepts that very likely, on some level, they hoped were wrong but maybe weren’t.”
It’s funny… concluding that evolution was true was, in retrospect, one of my first big wake-up moments.
I just realized something in retrospect… I think seeing how threatened they were back then made me wonder if there wasn’t actually something to it…
…i.e., I became a little more open to the possibility.
By the time I realized that the WTS used all the same misquotes, logical fallacies, and semantic pretzel-twisting (the sleazy lawyer’s go-to grab bag of courtroom tactics when a case goes south) as “Worldly” creationists, I was primed.
If you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.