Jeezus, they printed this whilst being tax-exempt themselves.
And now that said exemption is approaching the chopping block in more and more countries, they’re freaking out.
the faithful evil slave's money-grabbing hypocrisy is beyond laughable!.
w75 12/15 p. 743 - "the religious systems of christendom have constructed magnificent buildings throughout the earth.
they have also amassed great wealth in other forms.
Jeezus, they printed this whilst being tax-exempt themselves.
And now that said exemption is approaching the chopping block in more and more countries, they’re freaking out.
i wonder how many witnesses are aware that the wt and their team of lawyers are currently suing the government of norway for millions of dollars?
i thought that the wt taught that all the governments were run by satan.
when i was a witness, this would have really bothered me.
I’ve been following this on Reddit.
I suspect the Org originally wanted to do this on the DL, but because XJWs got wind of it, way more people than expected are watching, and their pride is demanding they stay the course. It’s like the ARC, but with arguably higher stakes.
I’m not gonna summarize, there’s way too much, but if the Reddit (and media) reporting is accurate, I’d be amazed if the Org prevailed.
They’re looking deceitful, entitled, cruel, and frankly, kinda stupid.
And boy-oh-boy, do they seem hungry desperate for the taxpayers’ dime, which is telling in and of itself.
The content of the (presumably) screencapped post.
I’m confused. Is it legit? Is it a joke?
the gb seems to have a bunker mentality, that they are special, and that the world is out to get them, so they tend to keep within their tightly controlled, protective environment.
bottlegate proved that there is some danger outside of the rarified atmosphere of their echo chamber; you never know when a camera might be trained on you, or that someone might recognise you as being something more than plain old "joe citizen".
further, tm3's new address was quickly found and distributed, and (as i understand it) someone drove to his gated community to tell the security guard that tm3's "ass is grass".
Phizzy - “…I wonder what you base your conclusion on please?”
Simply the fact that they can keep on doing it without having a nervous fucking breakdown.
…the fuck???
this is worth a look!.
Why would the US follow Canada’s lead on something like this?
the gb seems to have a bunker mentality, that they are special, and that the world is out to get them, so they tend to keep within their tightly controlled, protective environment.
bottlegate proved that there is some danger outside of the rarified atmosphere of their echo chamber; you never know when a camera might be trained on you, or that someone might recognise you as being something more than plain old "joe citizen".
further, tm3's new address was quickly found and distributed, and (as i understand it) someone drove to his gated community to tell the security guard that tm3's "ass is grass".
re. Phizzy’s post…
They know it’s wrong…
…but believe it’s true…
…at the same time.
I honestly don’t think authoritarian leaders actually experience cognitive dissonance, and, in fact, are unable to understand people who do.
so, i’m just posting this as a warning to lurking jws.
if you’re still on the fence, here is a story.. my grandmother, now in her 80s hasn’t talked to anyone in the family for over 20 years ever since my mother was the last one of her children that left ‘the truth’, she had sent my mother a card to never talk to her again.
so here we are 21 years later, she gets a call out of the blue that she needed help, she hadn’t been able to get into her kitchen.
I’ve only ever read about stories like this; I’ve never seen it firsthand (not that I’m doubting you guys).
My over-90-year-old JW mom lives with us; has for years now (my inactivity doesn’t seem to be much of a big deal, these days; so is she, because she has bowel issues, sore everything, and is deaf as a fucking post 😵💫)…
…we take care of her (honestly, my wife does a better job of it than I do, and Mom sings her praises to the rest of the family), and she - in her own way - takes care of us.
so, i finally saw the annual meeting video part 2.. this is the one with the “new light” on who might survive armageddon, vs. those who do not.. in summary, for those of you fortunate enough not to have to sit through it, it’s something like this:.
old light: once the “great tribulation” starts, that’s it for non-jws.
the “door of the ark” is closed.
Phizzy - “…‘Well then, would it not be better to take a gun with you on the D to D work, and shoot whoever opens the door dead?’…”
Wasn’t there a severely disturbed JW woman who essentially did that to her enter family for that precise reason a few years back?
It’s the kind of strategic blunder full-on True Believers make all the time…
…that any decisions made by “God’s Exclusive Earthly Organization” are, by default, the right decisions… therefore, the prospect of said decisions coming back and bite them on the ass years later is inconceivable…
…and since Armageddon is coming any day now to bail them out, it really doesn’t matter anyway.
As a result, the katamari ball of mistakes keeps getting bigger and bigger over the decades, until this happens:
“Shred the fucking files! SHRED THE FUCKING FILES!!!”