Is Rattigan for real?
‘Cause I’m starting to wonder if we’re getting Poe’s-Lawed here.
secret recording 14th april:ralph walls: more changes are coming!.
( broadcasted to all british congregations today).
Is Rattigan for real?
‘Cause I’m starting to wonder if we’re getting Poe’s-Lawed here.
secret recording 14th april:ralph walls: more changes are coming!.
( broadcasted to all british congregations today).
One of the reasons I thought the Org’d have a lot more difficulty with their eschatology as the 21st Century kept on keepin’ on…
…it was very Cold-War-centric, and the farther we moved away from that, the mundane, real-world logistics of getting all the ducks in a row prior to triggering the Big A seemed more and more problematic.
seems to me wt lawyers and witnesses cannot be trusted even under oath.. mara mitchell writes.
as far as their family members are concerned, normal family relations continue with the exception of spiritual fellowship.”.
attached is a video on how watchtower presents family members being treated by their family when defending themselves in court.. .
Diogenesister - “…Watchtower became far more hard-line a short while later in the early-mid 80s.”
A semi-panicked and disproportionate response to the failure of 1975 and Ray Franz.
but if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘my master is delaying,’b 49 and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards.
hmm... let's see is anyone on the governing body a strict master and a drunkard?
redsetter2 - “…Stephen Lett in particular are really pulling the strings…”
…Stephen “that little baby is an enemy of God” Lett?
you read this correctly.
as i explained in an earlier post, i am a "ghostwriter" for the original resetter.
i'm a woman, a pimo regular pioneer working for my friend who was redsetter1 on reddit.
Well, whatever the case, I hope your WTexit goes smoothly.
did anyone else find the teen section on the meeting tonight massively cringeworthy?
i saw two kids who will be laughing stocks for life after their world wide exposure.
complete exploitation in my opinion, unforgivable..
Not the first time we’ve heard a story like that here.
The powers-that-be always seem to forget that the moment you use shady methods in your attempt to claim the moral high ground…
…you forfeit the moral high ground.
did anyone else find the teen section on the meeting tonight massively cringeworthy?
i saw two kids who will be laughing stocks for life after their world wide exposure.
complete exploitation in my opinion, unforgivable..
Believe it or not, you know what that WT video reminds me of? That old propaganda movie Reefer Madness.
It portrayed young people who smoked weed as violent, licentious risk-addicts who’d just as soon eat your face off as look at you (as opposed to mellowed-out couch potato snack-addicts who’d just as soon overtip the pizza delivery guy)…
…i.e. so blatantly horseshit, it was laughable.
did anyone else find the teen section on the meeting tonight massively cringeworthy?
i saw two kids who will be laughing stocks for life after their world wide exposure.
complete exploitation in my opinion, unforgivable..
I also find my kids’ peers to be way nicer than the ones I knew growing up.
I (partially) credit that to not having to grow up constantly breathing in the fumes from leaded gasoline.
but if ever that evil slave says in his heart, ‘my master is delaying,’b 49 and he starts to beat his fellow slaves and to eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards.
hmm... let's see is anyone on the governing body a strict master and a drunkard?
I’ve said this before, but if anybody’s a candidate for the “evil slave” label, it’s Ted Jaracz.
He’s long dead and can’t complain, nobody who knew him is nostalgic about the guy, the increasingly hardline stances of the 90s and 00s were pushed through while he was in charge, and his name is allegedly featured prominently in the pedo records that are supposedly on the cusp of being exposed…
…i.e. it’s his fucking legacy that’s arguably gotten the Org into the mess it’s in.
Pin the label on him.
seems to me wt lawyers and witnesses cannot be trusted even under oath.. mara mitchell writes.
as far as their family members are concerned, normal family relations continue with the exception of spiritual fellowship.”.
attached is a video on how watchtower presents family members being treated by their family when defending themselves in court.. .
Once again, for the newbies, lurkers, and trolls…
…if you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don’t deserve to be defended.