nowwhat? - “…I hate repetitive posts!”
Me, too!
I hate repetitive posts!
jehovah's witnesses have long condemned any celebration of the christmas holiday supposedly commemorating jesus' birth, as being a pagan celebration of christendom.
they have even disfellowshipped many from the organization for celebrating it, in any form or fashion.
every jehovah's witness world wide knows this.
nowwhat? - “…I hate repetitive posts!”
Me, too!
I hate repetitive posts!
i stumbled, via a google search, upon a part of jw space that is usually heavily defended against outsiders like my good self.
in a discussion, someone started their post with "i (started doing x)... when the slave began to suggest doing so"*.
do pimis really talk that way?
Doubling down over and over again in the face of evidence they were wrong, because course-correction would threaten the all-or-nothing premise they’d spent decades reinforcing…
…and decades later, you can’t help but end up with a group of guys who can’t even handle being wrong, and will go to any length to avoid having to acknowledge it even to themselves.
i stumbled, via a google search, upon a part of jw space that is usually heavily defended against outsiders like my good self.
in a discussion, someone started their post with "i (started doing x)... when the slave began to suggest doing so"*.
do pimis really talk that way?
“The Society”… “The Branch”… “The Slave”.
They do like their euphemisms.
And yes, I think “The Slave” is the most popular, specifically because its inherent implications of humility distract the brain from the uncomfy fact that the men who comprise The Slave are, in fact, The Masters.
i like to at least try to stay current with developments in artificial intelligence rather than get stuckwith first impressions and knee-jerk snap judgments that circulate among the public who really don'tinvest any in-depth analysis in forming their views.with that having been stated, i turn to perplexity a.i.
perplexity ai's strength lies in its ability to serve as a powerful research companion, delivering comprehensive and up-to-date information across a wide range of topics.135 its advanced nlp capabilities, real-time information gathering, and versatility make it a valuable tool for researchers, writers, recruiters, and professionals in various fields._______________i asked perplexity to give an in-depth overview and analysis of the watchtower, it's gb, and its are the results:____________.
“…doing so would require a fundamental shift in their power structures, claims of authority, and core beliefs, which the current leadership appears unwilling to undertake.”
Yes, but I think the argument could be made that they are unable to make those shifts… at least, not with any substantial long-term success.
If they keep doubling down in the face of increasing indications that they are, in fact, wrong, they alienate more and more members with half a brain…
…dispensing with so many of those things unique to JWs threatens to do the same thing, because they were held up as proof they alone had The Truth.
Ultimately, either option undermines any incentive to stay.
i like to at least try to stay current with developments in artificial intelligence rather than get stuckwith first impressions and knee-jerk snap judgments that circulate among the public who really don'tinvest any in-depth analysis in forming their views.with that having been stated, i turn to perplexity a.i.
perplexity ai's strength lies in its ability to serve as a powerful research companion, delivering comprehensive and up-to-date information across a wide range of topics.135 its advanced nlp capabilities, real-time information gathering, and versatility make it a valuable tool for researchers, writers, recruiters, and professionals in various fields._______________i asked perplexity to give an in-depth overview and analysis of the watchtower, it's gb, and its are the results:____________.
Thirty or forty years ago, doubling down would have been viewed as the safe option for a True Believer leadership, as any potential errors would have been rendered moot by the (expectation of an) impending Apocalypse, and their own implied assumption of invincibility and destined victory.
The problems arose as the decades went by without that Apocalyptic bailout, and the double-downs keep compounding.
my secret is out.....
I just remembered Punk’s British, so…
…Sir Punk (of Nice).
if you don't want to be thrown into gehenna, read what your own faithful evil slave & christ say:.
cj chap.
3 p. 110 chapter 3 - "jesus christ said: “whoever says, ‘you despicable fool!’ (apostate) will be liable to the fiery gehenna.” (matt.
TonusOH - “…If you believe that they are wrong, being labeled doesn't mean anything.”
I can take that a step further.
If you believe that they’re wrong when they label you an apostate…
…that fact alone technically makes you an apostate.
a thread about steve hassan re-emerged and got me looking him up.
his wikipedia entry had a point under "criticism" that there is an underlying assumption in his approach that all members of high control groups ultimately want to leave*.. while it is generally believed that there are a lot of pimos still attending, doing field service and giving lip service to the wt, i doubt that everyone within the congregations want to get out.
it's not always internally and logically consistent, but it's been around long enough for enough workarounds to make it tolerable to emerge.. what do you think?
re. TonusOH’s post…
True, to a degree.
For some of us, however, those things were never really much of an issue…
…it was the realization that the Org was more and more wrong about more and more big things, but required you to accept those things as irrefutable fact anyway, with all the exhausting mental gymnastics required to rationalize it.
For some of us, feeling intellectually hamstrung was depressing as fuck.
a thread about steve hassan re-emerged and got me looking him up.
his wikipedia entry had a point under "criticism" that there is an underlying assumption in his approach that all members of high control groups ultimately want to leave*.. while it is generally believed that there are a lot of pimos still attending, doing field service and giving lip service to the wt, i doubt that everyone within the congregations want to get out.
it's not always internally and logically consistent, but it's been around long enough for enough workarounds to make it tolerable to emerge.. what do you think?
Phizzy - “…even if the closest they get to expressing it to themselves is something like ‘I wish Armageddon and the New System were here’, that means they wish the regime they live under was over…”
That was me.
Imagine my dismay when I realized that the regime fully intended to continue on after Armageddon into the New System.
For another millennium, if not indefinitely.
I felt sick to my stomach, and I was still, by-and-large, a believer at the time.
secret recording 14th april:ralph walls: more changes are coming!.
( broadcasted to all british congregations today).
Is Rattigan for real?
‘Cause I’m starting to wonder if we’re getting Poe’s-Lawed here.