Yep...Clearlake is closest to Williams, and you have to drive around it to get to Ukiah. Berryessa, is in Napa County.
Yep...Clearlake is closest to Williams, and you have to drive around it to get to Ukiah. Berryessa, is in Napa County.
LOL!!! Agreed. Grew up in the Napa Valley...the lakes to choose from were Berryessa and Not-so-Clear!
march 10, 2002 .
jehovah's witness man shunned after consenting to daughter's blood transfusion.
Sad and sick. The girl is so assimilated that she draws the analogy of the transfusion as being "raped." In one breath she's pleading she doesn't want to die...but then again she hates her dad for allowing the very thing that will save her life? Seems they go into auto "die for Jehovah" mode. I feel so bad for the father.
i'd like to ask for a tidbit of advice... if you don't mind!
being the inexperienced 18-year old that i am, and with the close-minded parents that i have, it can be hard to find some good, reliable advice.
so here's my dilemna.
Well...I think Abaddon said it best. Emotionally 14, is a child. In the States, 14 is what? 8th grade? Girls this age may look "mature" and hey...the law may say she is "of age", but emotionally they are lacking. Sorry to hear your response wasn't well received.
i'd like to ask for a tidbit of advice... if you don't mind!
being the inexperienced 18-year old that i am, and with the close-minded parents that i have, it can be hard to find some good, reliable advice.
so here's my dilemna.
Well, I know you probably don't want to hear this...but you are 18, no longer a minor...and she is. This should be your primary concern, above and beyond the long distance factor.
remember when: .
mom was at home when the kids got home from school.
when nobody owned a purebred dog.
I remember party-lines...getting in a LOT of trouble for eavesdropping!
How about those Tupperware "make your own popsicle" thingies? Nothing better than making your own out of Hi-C when it was sold in cans!
...anyone remember those knocker ball things (no I'm not joking) There was this plastic ring you'd hold on to, attatched to two strings with resin balls (usually clear red or orange) at the ends ...the object was to click them together. Freakin dangerous BUT lots of fun.
every memorial that i ever attended, all the attendees wore serious or solemn expressions.. for crying out loud, as quoted in the friggin' article, it's supposed to be the commemoration of the death of christ!.
from all the visible faces in the pictutre below, only three appear to not be grinning.
my favorite is the guy who appears to be sleeping (he is the one to the left shoulder of the closest attendant).. .
In your pursuit of "religious tolerance" you would be well advised to educate yourself. Exactly what are the JW's doing/not doing in this memorial? As for "falling for anything" I think that is EXACTLY the point the ex-JW's are trying to make.
i finally surprised my husband by getting him two parakeets.
now i am trying to figgure out what to name them.
when it comes to giving names that is something he does not want to do.
Nit & Wit
getting stoned and drunk every weekend at a house or creek party,crashing other high school parties,spending the summer at the beach,getting blow jobs more frequently,playing rugby and driving the other guys faces into the ground,no rent,free food,waiting for my parents to go to the meeting on sunday so i could bang my girlfriend for 2 hours!.
these are only a few of my good memories but really sums it all up!.
LOL! I DO homeschool my kids...and it's not from my experiences as a student. Rather, my experiences working in the school district for twelve years!!!
at least one of the things i love.
the people are amazing too but this is what i do over there.
i'm working very hard to call that place my home one day.. .
Do it!!! Get certified. I did (PADI) and it was great. Went through dive school with a friend (hubby was already certified) and it was a blast. I'll tell ya, I'm sick and tired of diving in cold water though and would love to dive in the tropics.