JoinedTopics Started by WhatAboutWatson
Has anyone knocked on your door recently?
by dysfunction ini am a housewife, and no one has knocked on my door to spread the "truth",not even on the weekends.
question, has anyone experienced this... or has the preaching work slowed down?
or are the witnesses less active, zealous?.
100% movie satisfaction - The Kings Speech.
by Gregor inno car crashes or explosions.
no nudity.
may not be everyones cup of earl grey, but leaving the theatre my wife and i agreed we will be buying a dvd of this film.
The Mormon Girl and I: A poem
by WhatAboutWatson inonce upon a time, a couple months ago.
there was this girl, mormon, who i wanted to get to know.
so, what i did was, make eye contact but not actually speak.
"The priest is drunk" from The Life & Times of Tim
by WhatAboutWatson inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khf6a8fwg6c.
so i am unsure if you guys will find this humorous.
but i am a huge fan of this show.
Hi, I am Zach.
by WhatAboutWatson inso i am a bit unsure of where exactly to post this introduction.
but i am friends with d, who in fact is sitting right next to me at the moment.
we both banter in the computer lab at the college we go to and well i figured, i would register here as well.. i have no filter which well could be downfall.
Dear God . . . .
by mimimimi indear god, my prayer for 2011 is for a fat bank account & a thin body.
please don't mix these up like you did last year.
Fred Franz
by d infor all those here who who saw and may have met fred franz.what would he say about global warming, facebook twitter, the death of mitcahel jackson since mitchael was a witness.what would he say about lady gaga, justin biber, usher and emeniem.how do you think he would have reacted to the events of 9/11 and bible prophecy.would he see it as true signs of the end.. so the overall question how would fred franz respond to the 21 st century with it's advanved technolgy and war on terrorism and the economic crisis that this country (the u.s) is facing.please tell us your thoughts..
Living alone or rooming with someone
by White Dove inwhich do you prefer?.
i like having a roommate..
Sexual Repression 101. Pure WT Gold: Wednesday's Daily Text.
by Open mind inwednesday's daily text was a masterpiece.
each sentence just added another layer of sexual guilt and repression.
i could go off for at least another 500 words but i'll stop.. .