JoinedPosts by Dumplin
After Watching Dr. Monica, I Thought It Appropriate To Bring Out This Gem Again.
by Magwitch into all bodies of elders.
re: spiral binding of shepherding textbook.
dear brothers :.
Even as a child, I never trusted others who had "secrets". Criminals and other corrupt people do things secretly. Lack of transparency arouses suspicion and begs investigation in a rational person's mind. When i was still a MS I was handed a copy of the Shepherding book by my book study conductor just out of the blue one day. I don't know why he did that - maybe to see my awe-struck reaction to it - i can't say... but his remark to me was: there's nothing in that book that isn't in the Watchtower publications already for everyone to see. hmmmmm.... -
Let's have a big hand for...
by username in...c0ntr013r and barbara anderson for their efforts in recording the events in australia as they happen.. .
thank you :).
I'd also like to thank you Barbara for the advance alerts you give about upcoming tv/radio broadcasts, etc.
I use those as opportunities to "accidentally stumble" upon a show while my JW wife is sitting with me watching/listening. I do believe by her comments that one of her glued-shut eyeballs is peeking open.
Thank you for everything, Barbara.
Day 4 Looks to Be Live at Any Moment - Link...and Upcoming Witness List!
by LostGeneration inhttps://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.
anyone know who this monty baker is?
i'm sure this guy will be able to tell the rc how things work behind the scenes without all the evasiveness, being that he is an "apostate".
the only truly "historic" event
Not exactly Stephen Lett's idea of historic: begging for money and poor-mouthing the hard working witnesses.
Oh, the irony!!! i thought irony meant entirely made of iron. (i'm learning so much from this site) ;)
Day 4 Looks to Be Live at Any Moment - Link...and Upcoming Witness List!
by LostGeneration inhttps://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.
anyone know who this monty baker is?
i'm sure this guy will be able to tell the rc how things work behind the scenes without all the evasiveness, being that he is an "apostate".
OrphanCrow more meow? rofl! if you keep saying things like that how am we going to know when you're going senile? lol -
Cecil the Lion deserved what he got...That's right. I said it.
by cappytan inlions are notorious murderers of beautiful zebras, antelope and other graceful exotic animals.
cecil probably contributed to the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of animals.
what happened to him was justice.. you reap what you sow.
So where's this dentist dude hiding? He's a bigger pussy than Cecil. -
Cecil the Lion deserved what he got...That's right. I said it.
by cappytan inlions are notorious murderers of beautiful zebras, antelope and other graceful exotic animals.
cecil probably contributed to the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of animals.
what happened to him was justice.. you reap what you sow.
I've pushed tons of people down the stairs, but damn it, I always own up to it. -
Article: Reveal News Organization: JWs Cover-Up of Child Sex Abuse and Oust a Victim
by AndersonsInfo inhttps://www.revealnews.org/article/jehovahs-witnesses-cover-up-child-sex-abuse-and-oust-a-victim/.
jehovahs witnesses cover up child sex abuse and oust a victim.
topics: criminal justice / religion .
flipper - elders who wink their eyes at their own wrongdoing
well put.... you mean like pharisees and hypocrites, right?
Seems strange to me how self-righteous people can go to such extremes like not believing their own daughters in their time of need, but then turn right around and attack them for the slightest remark made in jest. JWs whole thinkiing process is a paradox.
JC said it best: "It is in vain that they keep worshipping me" and "they strain out the gnat then gulp the camel right on down". yep, JWs are truly an aberration of the human race.
Clip of shocking testimony from Day 2 of the Royal Commission hearing
by cappytan ini posted this as a reply to another thread, but thought it deserved it's own thread to draw attention to this important moment in the day 2 testimony.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl4fobrocc8.
Wasanelder: this boob was speechless until he heard Theospeak ...Lol - you're sharp! (but i noticed it too) That lawyer's got skills, as Napoleon Dynamite would say. He skillfully untied Bowditch's shoelaces like a magician so that the fool could trip over them. ATM3 is grinding his teeth at this guy and pounding his fist saying over and over again: goddamn Idiot!!!
Also, regarding the "has anyone else noticed the gorgeous blonde" remark - two words: man hands -
Wednesday Hearings LIVE LINK NOW
by Mad Sweeney inhttp://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.
Q: The child is to be in subjection to the father? And he is responsible for discipline? You expect BCG to go to her father and confront him about his abuse?
Bowditch: No.
Q: But you set up a committee so that she must confront him?
Bowditch: that was for the healing process.What?? Did I hear that right?
Wednesday Hearings LIVE LINK NOW
by Mad Sweeney inhttp://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.
Does your sound keep cutting out? or just my computer?