@ Dumplin (myself)
Mr. Stewart first of all needs to somehow positively confirm exactly what Jackson's role is in the GB or the Jackman is gonna weasel out of it.
What the hell am I worried about??? We're talking about Angus here....say no more.
pray for brother jackson of the governing body!.
in todays news from australia it appears that, despite his previous declination to appear when invited, justice mcclellan from the australian royal commission on child sex abuse will officially summon brother geoffrey jackson to the stand after all.. ..... the commission was due to conclude its hearings into the jehovahs witnesses on wednesday but justice mcclellan said he will now call geoffrey jackson, a senior member of the churchs governing body in new york who is currently in australia, to appear next week.. .
@ Dumplin (myself)
Mr. Stewart first of all needs to somehow positively confirm exactly what Jackson's role is in the GB or the Jackman is gonna weasel out of it.
What the hell am I worried about??? We're talking about Angus here....say no more.
i popped into town this morning to buy an anniversary card for mrs cofty.
it is market day on a saturday and it's tourist season so the town was very busy.
here is a picture of the scene from a year ago... two cult carts were in their favourite place being guarded by none other than one of the elders who was on my judicial committee, his wife and another jw woman in her electric disability buggy.
Brian and Carol quickly snatch the boards from the top of the carts while Faye almost pulls a wheelie in her scooter and heads off down the High Street through a crowd of startled tourists. Now I get to watch Brian and Carol do an impersonation of headless chickens...
ROFL!!!! now that's what i call a visual! That's almost as awful as the time i saw a man chase his glass eye down the excalator at the mall. ...headless chicken! ROFL!
It must feel good for you to be back "witnessing" again! lol Like data dog said: "You are where I want to be."
I have got to try it now! HAHAHAHAHA!! They have no response anymore, do they?
pray for brother jackson of the governing body!.
in todays news from australia it appears that, despite his previous declination to appear when invited, justice mcclellan from the australian royal commission on child sex abuse will officially summon brother geoffrey jackson to the stand after all.. ..... the commission was due to conclude its hearings into the jehovahs witnesses on wednesday but justice mcclellan said he will now call geoffrey jackson, a senior member of the churchs governing body in new york who is currently in australia, to appear next week.. .
Does anyone here know what Jackson's role/title on the Gb is besides Writing/Translation committee that was mentioned during the trial?
Or does being on the writing staff automatically affirm that he is indeed a policy maker (in legal sense that Angus can hold him to)?
pray for brother jackson of the governing body!.
in todays news from australia it appears that, despite his previous declination to appear when invited, justice mcclellan from the australian royal commission on child sex abuse will officially summon brother geoffrey jackson to the stand after all.. ..... the commission was due to conclude its hearings into the jehovahs witnesses on wednesday but justice mcclellan said he will now call geoffrey jackson, a senior member of the churchs governing body in new york who is currently in australia, to appear next week.. .
He will find a way to pass the buck, I guarantee it!
I'm with you on this: Mr. Stewart first of all needs to somehow positively confirm exactly what Jackson's role is in the GB or the Jackman is gonna weasel out of it.
i've been catching up on the videos and news articles.
the elders, lawyers, branch members, hired reports are all getting slammed!
that dude has a response and point to bring up on everything!
i've been catching up on the videos and news articles.
the elders, lawyers, branch members, hired reports are all getting slammed!
that dude has a response and point to bring up on everything!
i've been catching up on the videos and news articles.
the elders, lawyers, branch members, hired reports are all getting slammed!
that dude has a response and point to bring up on everything!
My new Chuck Norris hero.
recently i have fallen ill with a serious case of chickenpox (shingles).
three weeks down, high fevers, and the blisters attacked mostly my scalp and face, but then also my whole upper body.
i looked horrid, truly like a mutant monster out of a nuclear disaster.
Dear Eden - It must be horrible to go through that. My son-in-law just went thru it and it left him scarred. My wife keeps hounding me to go get my shot, so after your reminder, I think I will. Thanks. Hope you're doing better now. But then to be IGNORED in your hour of need is unexplainable. I think we picked the wrong religion, man. But at least you had SOMEONE who showed concern. Many of us don't.
In the movie St. Vincent (2014) - after bill murray lost his wife, his friend came over and said, "sorry for your loss". bill murray replied, "I never understood why people said that?" His friend said, "they don't know what else to say". Bill said, "how'bout - what was she like... do you miss her... or what are you gonna do now?" ...the friend had no reply, but after a long pause, Bill told his friend: "do yourself a favor - Get a Life, and stop living mine." Good advice for all exJubs i think. We can't expect anything from them and we already know that.
I too feel isolated most of the time from my JW family - like I'm not really even welcome . And I spent the best decades of my life doing hard manual labor to provide for them, raise them, listen to them, read to them, play with them, nurse them back to health when sick, put up with their sassy attitudes as teenagers, & on and on....
I remember when my wife and I lost our full-term son a week before due-date (a knot in the cord), I felt I should tell someone. So I called one of our elders from the hospital to inform him (and the cong). The first thing out of his mouth was: "He probably won't be resurrected" (and then went on to explain the WT understanding on that). I coudn't BELIEVE it. I trusted that brother with my heart in my hour of need - and he let me down. I told another elder about it sometime later and he just dismissively said: He probably didn't know what else to say ( like the old "they're only imperfect men" excuse). So - there you go. Make of it what you will. But we both know the WT is NOT making followers of JC. Too many accumulated experiences like yours and mine to just pass it off.
Normal humans show compassion. Jesus did. I told the CO when I left the cong that I'd been here since 1973 and had RARELY felt Jehovahs' spirit. He snapped back: "THAT'S A SERIOUS ACCUSATION" in a very threatening manner. I just looked straight at him calmly and shook my head yes w/out saying a word. He looked sheepish. He KNEW i was right.
Take care of yourself, Eden. We suffer together.
angus stewart's facial expression says what he thinks about rodney spink's prevarication.... .
i actually started clapping at that point, as his honour explained to the wt type creep sycophantic slithery lawyer that........" i understand that we all have issues to face in life and .....that is a part of life...........however it has become obvious that this man ....is in such a position to assist with this investigation.....".
it boils down to the fact that stewart outright accused the latest witness of misleading the royal commission and this lead to some document searches which led his honour to conclude that they had been protecting mr jackson.
this was a warm and fluffy moment folks.................brilliant stuff!!!!!
Leapin Lizards I just saw the picture i posted with my name above it and thought someone was going to think it was me. Nooooo! That's supposed to be Jackson in drag.