I'm really, really hoping he'll ID every JW he knows, no matter what his rank or status in the organization, whether in the past or present, whom he has known to be a pedophile.
many hundreds and perhaps thousands of people, worldwide, are eagerly waiting for the questioning of geoffrey jackson at the australian royal commission on institutional response to child abuse.
this is the day that many have hungered for.
finally, a member of the governing body being questioned and compelled to make full disclosure, to the best of his knowledge, the very best of his knowledge.
I'm really, really hoping he'll ID every JW he knows, no matter what his rank or status in the organization, whether in the past or present, whom he has known to be a pedophile.
my greatest hope is that when geoffrey was a youngun' that his momma taught him to 'tell the truth'.. if geoffrey does not tell the truth, my second great hope is that his momma 'wallups him, but good'.. here's hoping he doesn't 'crawfish' on the witness stand.. crawfish :
a] to cheat, decieve, or otherwise do a person wrong b] go back on what you said previously
ditto Billy.... can't trust these "nobles".
i would be proud to be on the stage to give a good witness to the world.. instead there is zip about the procedures in australia for the rf, they are clueless.. you would think the gb would be so proud for it's members to watch how they.
defend the truth.
correct me if i'am wrong but is there any thing on jw.org to indicate.
the girl next door: "Jehovah just got spanked."
Romans 13:1
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God... They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer
So that's according to Bible... God uses these authorities to punish "wrongdoers". And I say "more power to them! It's about time!" Let the spankings RESUME!
I don't see it as God being on trial here. It's those who claim to speak for Him.
These men are WRONGDOERS and need to be SPANKED. and I'm sure that's what you meant.
gotta go to work now....
pray for brother jackson of the governing body!.
in todays news from australia it appears that, despite his previous declination to appear when invited, justice mcclellan from the australian royal commission on child sex abuse will officially summon brother geoffrey jackson to the stand after all.. ..... the commission was due to conclude its hearings into the jehovahs witnesses on wednesday but justice mcclellan said he will now call geoffrey jackson, a senior member of the churchs governing body in new york who is currently in australia, to appear next week.. .
Of course, I would be the last person on earth to EVER impute wrong motives to a GB member. (he chuckles) But TWO governing body members that don't show up when summoned??? (Lösch's refusal to comply and now Jackson's).
So NOW something is starting to smell fishy to judiciary systems worldwide. This goes on record for all time. But whatever happens, it's looking bad for WT.
a poster on another thread reminded me of when there was a 15 min.
break between the talk and the wt study on sundays.
the break was supposed to be to allow jw's time to drive their bible studys home from the talk.
Ha! i just revisited this thread again...feeling nostalgic (rum-induced).
I was thinking how witnesses didn't seem to incriminate each other so much back then (late 60s/early70s). In the 90's you had to very "quietly" make your exit between meetings, but the friends back then were standing outside during the break, watched you crank your car and leave, and gave you the benefit of the doubt if you left... I don't know - I was just a teen, but that's how I saw it. The belt got tighter and tighter in the 80s.
Also, I remember after getting my first car at 16, I would always be 20 minutes early to the meetings (like they recommended), and therefore I got to park right up by the front door - which was a sign that told everyone else that I was first to the meeting. What an SR i was! But one dark, rainy night, the PO got there late and parked behind me perpendicular to my back bumper. Well, after the meeting, I ran out in the rain, jumped in, backed up and smashed his brand new 1968 Impala door good! I slumped back into the hall, confessed my sins, apologized, and said my insurance will pay for the damage. (but it was HIS fault for not parking in a designated spot - I guess he thought he could park anywhere b/c he was PO) But to my surprise, my insurance wasn't good enough for him...he lectured me about how his car was now devalued by having "repair" work done on it. He did a real good job of making an idealistic young teenager feel puny and small. He eventually became a "giant" in the org. but i feel he held that incident against me always. Many years later, he gave me a bad recommendation to my new KH elders. He must've been materialistic is all I can figure. I got my first lesson in pretentiousness.
pray for brother jackson of the governing body!.
in todays news from australia it appears that, despite his previous declination to appear when invited, justice mcclellan from the australian royal commission on child sex abuse will officially summon brother geoffrey jackson to the stand after all.. ..... the commission was due to conclude its hearings into the jehovahs witnesses on wednesday but justice mcclellan said he will now call geoffrey jackson, a senior member of the churchs governing body in new york who is currently in australia, to appear next week.. .
@possum We don"t have a 5th amendment. Whew! I was concerned about that, too!
@possum WT needs some serious chemo. THAT (hopefully) is what is going to do the damage.
@ umbertoecho: Perhaps he is a nice man. Yet, that is not sufficient to allow for him to deliberately claim ignorance....Someone posted a fantastic post about how the JW religion behaves and how it should not toward those who are molesters....
1) there were many no doubt who thought Jim Jones was a nice man. Angus knows this - so no worries.
2) I would very much like to read that fantastic post. My JW son stated he disagrees w/ JW child safeguarding policies but still won't follow through.
@ umbertoecho It came to the Justice's attention that they had been mislead as to the role and functions of Mr Jackson. They had accepted the illness of his father for a while, but they had also been misled about his status
Exactly!! Mislead TWICE!! As the old saying goes: "...shame on me!" - the commission must be saying that amongst themselves now... so I'm not really concerned that Geoffrey will be called out on the carpet.
Hey! umbertoecho! I am grateful for the good research you do and the links...keep up the good work!
if they did that, it would be the end of the jws because they won't have members.
when will be the end of this religion?
I agree that being shunned makes you re-examine your religion. It's like getting slapped in the back of the head by your dad - delightfully unnecessary and harsh.
you said: 'JW family thank me every day for my DF"
So you can be proud of your accomplishment! My kids/wife will can't see what your family sees.
Once I had a bible study who refused to get baptized (causing me to bang my head on the wall many times). He kept telling me he was afraid of getting disfellowshipped. Man, he was smart for a 17 year old boy!!! That was 45 years ago. I wish I could talk to him now and tell him how much i respect him.
pray for brother jackson of the governing body!.
in todays news from australia it appears that, despite his previous declination to appear when invited, justice mcclellan from the australian royal commission on child sex abuse will officially summon brother geoffrey jackson to the stand after all.. ..... the commission was due to conclude its hearings into the jehovahs witnesses on wednesday but justice mcclellan said he will now call geoffrey jackson, a senior member of the churchs governing body in new york who is currently in australia, to appear next week.. .
pray for brother jackson of the governing body!.
in todays news from australia it appears that, despite his previous declination to appear when invited, justice mcclellan from the australian royal commission on child sex abuse will officially summon brother geoffrey jackson to the stand after all.. ..... the commission was due to conclude its hearings into the jehovahs witnesses on wednesday but justice mcclellan said he will now call geoffrey jackson, a senior member of the churchs governing body in new york who is currently in australia, to appear next week.. .
@ Dumplin (myself)
Mr. Stewart first of all needs to somehow positively confirm exactly what Jackson's role is in the GB or the Jackman is gonna weasel out of it.
What the hell am I worried about??? We're talking about Angus here....say no more.
i popped into town this morning to buy an anniversary card for mrs cofty.
it is market day on a saturday and it's tourist season so the town was very busy.
here is a picture of the scene from a year ago... two cult carts were in their favourite place being guarded by none other than one of the elders who was on my judicial committee, his wife and another jw woman in her electric disability buggy.
Brian and Carol quickly snatch the boards from the top of the carts while Faye almost pulls a wheelie in her scooter and heads off down the High Street through a crowd of startled tourists. Now I get to watch Brian and Carol do an impersonation of headless chickens...
ROFL!!!! now that's what i call a visual! That's almost as awful as the time i saw a man chase his glass eye down the excalator at the mall. ...headless chicken! ROFL!
It must feel good for you to be back "witnessing" again! lol Like data dog said: "You are where I want to be."
I have got to try it now! HAHAHAHAHA!! They have no response anymore, do they?