Congrats on your son!!! Babies are such a delightful wonder...and then watching them grow and learn. My wife and I have raised 5 children and it was quite a ride! Now we get to watch our 9 grandchildren grow up all over again. Best ride you can go on by far.
I have no idea what goes thru a Jw mind anymore (and I don't want to go back and remember either because it just makes me feel puny and small for even being duped into following that religion in the first place). I just stand at a distance now and pity them all. They have a "collective consciousness" which disallows them from having any original or compassionate thoughts about anything. At least your family's out... Good. So now you never want to let them (JWs) get a foot in your door again. Take the power away from them as soon as you can. This seems like a good time however you choose to do that. Use your anger for strength. They can never influence your child. Protect and cherish him at all costs. He will grow up and be able to think for himself! What a blessing!
my best to you, Dumplin