I like Mark Wahlberg, it looks funny, should I go?
JoinedPosts by dreamgolfer
Best diet for a Diabetic.
by Quarterback indr just told me that i inherited this health problem.
has anyone had any success in winning over this desease?.
Hey Champ,
I got a buddy in Seattle that changed his diet 2 years ago (he's 67 now) and he no longer an official Diabetic
IT can be done! you know you can
NO CARBS is the Answer and Work Out like a Banshee!
Severe Blood Conservation Appears Safe In Cardiac Surgery For Jehovah's Witnesses
by TJ Curioso insevere blood conservation appears safe in cardiac surgery for jehovah's witnesses .
severe blood conservation in conjunction with cardiac surgery is not associated with long-term adverse consequences, according to a new study published in archives of internal medicine.
investigators from the cleveland clinic and the nhlbi compared 322 patients who were jehovans witnesses with an equal number of matched controls.
Is the 10 Hour Per Month Requirement Still In Force?
by Conan The Barbarian inare there any active elders/ms or higher out there who can advise if one of the requirements for appointment is that the person's fs time is equal to or greater than either the congregation's average or the national average?
this used to be the case, but may have been relaxed.
also is the branch still approving appointments?
I can sit in a car and eat donuts / muffins and whatever else Dunlin has for 10 hours a month....but I choose not to any longer! I am happily working out each Sat and Sunday morning and have a much better grasp on life in general ....
I just need some NEW FRIENDS!
My room was possessed by demons in the form of...........
by usualusername inafter my creaming experience i have another account i would like to share.. .
many many years ago i was assigned to a london congregation as an mts grad.
i found myself a room.
there is no such thing as Demons, - they were invented to make children do as they are told (adults too)
Marital problems - advice (or support) please
by jamesmahon incompletely non-jw related this but value the diversity of experience and viewpoint on this forum.
i am going to sketch this out quick as i can but please ask any questions if the gaps need filling.. as some may know, i have been married for 12 years with two children (8 and 4).
my wife stopped work when the eldest was born and has been a stay at home mum since.
I think the comments are good - Zeb is right and the comments by "tec" is good too -
"What about marriage counselling? - Plan "A"
And yeah, most of the time it is about the children... at least it is to those the parents who love them. It can paralyze you. Stop you from making the decision, for fear of how that decision will affect them - short and long term. I know. I understand.
If both mom and dad are miserable and hating one another; then the kids can pick up on that too. Make sure that they get lots of love and reassurance from you regardless of any decision that you and your wife make. "
LOOK, if she is willing to go, you have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING TO GAIN, see if she iwilling for the sake of your marriage and your children,
If not - a plan "B" would be good to have,
Where do you live?
Was There Anything You Actually Enjoyed About Being A JW?
by MrFreeze ini'm sure this question has been raised a lot but it is always good to look back.
the last 5 or 6 years of me being a jw, i did not have a very good go of it.
one thing i actually did enjoy was going to the international convention.
NC - you FLOOR ME~! "DIPS" ROFLMA...thats hoot! _ I love 7 layer dip
Food Glorious Food, Yeah the Bring a Dish Weddings, I loved those, and all the FRIED CHICKEN - I dont eat it much now as I am trying to work myself back to the other side of 39. yes the Tables of cookies and desserts, I do miss that, just not that I can't believe I ate the whole thing feeling.,
Suits and Clothes, I am a Thrift Store Shopper so I cant remember buying anything new other than Shoes and Underwear (I refuse to buy those items are "preworn" ) LOL
But dressing up was nice, I work at a job though that does promote wearing your "Sunday business best" so I can't say I have gone away from looking like a Dapper Dandy.
The Vacations for aseemblies that was funny, I can relate as a little kid,
Also watching my children run around the DC convention and using them as an excuse not to listen up ...er fall asleep in my seats.,
The Comment "irks" me -
"Jehovah's Witnesses are committed to maintaining a strong profile and presence in New Zealand and the funds released from the sale will be used in other charitable religious activities, particularly those which have strong community links," says Gower.
When they closed and then sold the branch in Spain - they TOOK all the $$ and shipped it to New York. All the people that spend their time, money and hard work, got BUPKUS. Ripped offed at the legs. Sick Sick way to FLEECE THE FLOCK, More will follow I know.
How many ex-jws poster here now believe in Hellfire, immortality of soul, trinity, etc;
by booker-t ini am just curious about this because although i agree with many of the posters here that the wt society is guilty of many horrible deeds, i still believe they are right when it comes to doctrinal things as i mention.
especially hellfire.
i just don't see how anybody that has studied the bible for many years like many of the ex-jws here can make an about face and go back to believing hellfire.
I believe in this....
"Well, I believe in the soul, the c%6k, the p*#$y, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days."
now who know where this quote came from -- Happy HOT SUNDAY...i gotta go jump in da pool! IF you do PM me with your address and I may send you a fREE gift!
How many ex-jws poster here now believe in Hellfire, immortality of soul, trinity, etc;
by booker-t ini am just curious about this because although i agree with many of the posters here that the wt society is guilty of many horrible deeds, i still believe they are right when it comes to doctrinal things as i mention.
especially hellfire.
i just don't see how anybody that has studied the bible for many years like many of the ex-jws here can make an about face and go back to believing hellfire.
not "eye" said the Blind man,,