The old testament God sure likes to play games with his human worshippers. He likes to torture them physically and psychologically.
* He places a forbidden tree in eden to see if they love him. When they eat the red juicy apple, all hell breaks loose.
* All descendants from the first couple are cursed to die because mommy and daddy ate a juicy red apple.
* Women are cursed to be in submission to their husbands and are to feel intense pain when giving birth.
* He asks Abraham to kill his son to see if he loves him.
* He orders the killing of nations that worship foreign gods. How is that their fault? He chose the Israelites and not other nations so how are they deserving of genocide?
* He orders the kidnapping and rape of virgins (Deut chaps 20-22).
These examples are the tip of the iceberg.
The OT God is comparable to abusive father who doesn't allow his kids to give their opinion and who beats the s**t out of them for not obeying his abusive, inhumane request and for daring to think for themselves. All human rights and dignity are denied to those in his household. The Watchtower Corporation has mirrored that same mentality on its members.
The law is the only thing stopping the Watchtower from directly executing those who don't obey them and question their authority.
Granted this God of the OT is a product of imagination and thank goodness he doesn't exist. The NT God (Jesus) is the Polar opposite of the latter. Too bad never existed as well.