Is there evidence about Jaracz?

by Gorbatchov 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    Read some reply's about Jaracz being a child abuser.

    Is there any evidence about it?


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  • Crazyguy

    I’ve heard story about another guy but not so much about Jaracz, but anything is possible when people think their better then everyone else and are exalted kings because they had a feeling one day. Sound like several possible mental problems to me.

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  • Iamallcool

    I agree with Crazyguy. Not all of the so called victims of Child Abuse are telling us the truth.

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  • JRK

    The accuser preceded Teddy in death. The evidence died with her.


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  • joe134cd

    This is what I can recall from previous posters. I think the evidence given was that he was suddenly recalled back to America, after a stint in the Australian bethel. He left under a cloud of suspicion. If some one could confirm this. I know reports of both him and his wife was one of a harsh, rude and abrasive man.

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  • krismalone

    Ted Jaracs was demoted from being the branch overseer in Australia. He was sent back to the U.S. to serve as District Overseer. One woman named Pat Garza accused Theodore Jaracs of molesting her while He was a traveling overseer. She also said he (Jaracs) abused other children besides her. She made these accusations during the Silent Lambs protest outside of the Brooklyn headquarters. By hearing her make these accusations, she gave no specific dates, locations or names of the other victims. It's for these reasons that her allegations have been ignored even in the ex JW community.

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  • Half banana
    Half banana

    About four years ago I wrote on Ex-JW forum that it was my conclusion that the proposal of using the Biblical precedent for “two witnesses” was a ploy which must have been instigated to hide pedophiles high up in the JW hierarchy.

    The cleverness of the idea is that although it is illogical, since sexual perversion is by nature hidden, yet at the same time the Bible with its Bronze Age rulings, mentions the need for two witnesses before penalties are awarded to an accused person. The opportunist and pharisaical JW leaders chose to take the Jewish law literally and dogmatically without reference to reason and with self protection in mind.

    Today I just found out who it was that introduced it: Theodore Jaracz.

    Have a look at Dogpatch's post from 7 years ago quoting Randall Watters inside account of Knorr and Jaracz at the end of Knorr's life.

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  • Half banana
    Half banana

    Looking into the matter, I realise that Dogpatch is Randy Watters.

    I came across a reference to Jaracz who as a district overseer went into the bedroom of a poster on this site when he was a boy and turned on the light to look at him. Creepy or what!

    I believe that it was Flipper who replied to the post but I can't find it again.

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  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Half banana:

    The thread about the group photo . . .

    STILL TOTALLY ADD - Your statement about the D.O. doing this, " Half an hour after I went to bed he would come into my room and turn the light on and just stare at me for a few minutes then turn the light off and leave without saying a word. "
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  • flipper

    Another thing that is pretty solid evidence against Ted Jaracz and his enabling of child molesters ; or quite possibly enabling his own crimes - is that initially in the early 1990's when the WT Society writing committee was working on putting out Awake magazine articles about child abuse - Lloyd Barry was the head of the writing department and Ted Jaracz head of the service department, I believe. Both were GB members at the time.

    I was told by a reliable source in Bethel and I'm pretty sure this may have been in either Dogpatch or Barbara Anderson's writings - I remember reading it- that Ted Jaracz was furious that Lloyd Barry was committed to putting articles out in the Awake magazine to address child molesters and the danger to children. Jaracz and Lloyd Barry got into very heated discussions and arguments about printing those articles - and finally Lloyd Barry prevailed and the articles were printed.

    So the question begs : What was the reason Jaracz was so aggressive in his not wanting articles about protecting children from child abuse to be printed ? I mean- how weird is that ? Unless he had something to hide. He was also very dismissive in an interview about WT child abuse with an England reporter after he gave a discourse there years ago. So this is just another aspect of this story that deserves some consideration. Here is the link to that interview with Ted Jaracz making excuses for WT Society child abuse and no reporting due to what he calls " privacy laws " .

    The link :


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