Ewart Chitty (a closet homosexual) rises through the ranks of the WT hierarchy to the point of being a member of the Governing Body. Only after several roommates accuse him of innapropriate conduct does he get removed or forced to resign. He was eventually sent back to London branch with no responsibilities only menial tasks. Who or what appointed him? The 79 YB announces his resignation.
Leo K. Greenlees, another homosexual and child molester who rose through the WT hierarchy and became a member of the almighty GB. He molested children (Marco Paolo included). Was forced to resign from the GB and was secretly transferred to a Cong in New Orleans. Who or what appointed him? The GB did not report him to the police and just transferred him and gave him the title of special pioneer until his death. No mention at all about his removal from the GB in the publications.
The WT tells its members they must be obedient and obey the leaders as they are appointed by the Holy Spirit. This keeps members in fear of speaking out against crimes and hypocrisy of their leaders. This is just another lie from the GB to keep members obedient and enslaved to the WT organization.