Yes this is just DISGUSTING. LIARS, LIARS, LIARS!!!! I was baptized at 11, my brother at 13, and my other brother at 12. SERIOUSLY? No pressure? all I ever heard was "when are you going to take the next step?" Yes, once you hit a certain age and you weren't baptized yet, people started to look at you like you were bad association because, as someone already said, you're viewed as not being spiritual minded. "When are you going to take the next step?" "You need to get more hours in service." Then after I got baptized it was, "why aren't you pioneering?" so i auxillary pioneered for a while- hating every moment of it. Then it was, "when are you going to regular pioneer so you can go to pioneer school?" Then I became regular pioneer and then right before going to pioneer school, I got DFd cuz I couldn't do it anymore. Oh god was I the BLACK sheep- no pun intended. The point - about them being DFd or Reprooved in a decade or less is SO SO true. It's what happened to me. 6 years after my baptism, i was DFd---that's 17 guys---can you imagine being in the back room w/three nasty brothers staring you down asking how many times you had sex and if you enjoyed it, if you used a condom, ect? Horrifying. this is a straight up lie that they don't baptize children and it turns my stomach. And what a load of crock saying no sanctions for accepting a blood transfusion. Literally, I almost threw up in my mouth, it's so disgusting to me- the lies. ughhhhhh! that's all i can say so i'll end it there.