sorry, the name means nothing to me, slidin
or am I the only one round here?
Hmmm...maybe we need to know...Round where?
danny wilson, or am i the only one round here?.
sorry, the name means nothing to me, slidin
or am I the only one round here?
Hmmm...maybe we need to know...Round where?
sara is a teenager who lives with her family, who are jehova's witnesses.
the family's devout image is questioned when the parents divorce as a consequence of the father's infidelity.
one night at a party sara meets teis, an older boy who takes an interest in her.
Wonderful movie! Oh, the guilt tripping that the JWs do.
hello, i'm a 'active' 17 yr. old jw, saw this site before when i was still searching for answers, i gotta say, it's not a good site to convert jws, because most of the people on here seem to hate the "borg" (as you call it on here?
i rather had to go on a scientific forum to get answers to my questions about jw (or rather the bible in general) with a very open mind, and actually thinking to convert some of them if i was lucky.
rather, i saw that everything the society gave us was easily refutable, or on shaky grounds.
Welcome to the forum, Garbonzo!
Is this site only have ex-JWs, or are JWs welcome to join, also, like that Topix section for JWs?
JWs come on here sometimes. Sometimes its accidental and sometimes it is on purpose. There are many active JWs who are members. Some of them are trying to leave --- without losing their entire families. Some are struggling with beliefs.
Have you ever had debates with JWs and ex-JWs?
Some JWs that come on here are very opinionated and want to get us back to the kingdom hall. So, yes, absolutely, there are sometimes debates. Debates about scripture and doctrine. Lively discussions are welcomed here. This is not a forum where no one is allowed to express a contrary opinion or idea.
Stick around...You will see.
I also have an idea for a website, if there isn't already one: Make a kind of JW archive website, where people post recordings of their meetings, underlined watchtowers, comments, etc. to help those of us who are just going through the motions because of family, I think there is a lot of those on here? Unless of course there already is a site like this. Is there? I think it'd be fairly popular, especially with all the ones from, and we could keep it "apostate" free, so even real JWs come. Make a small amount of cash on ads? What do you think? I don't want to waste my time having to come up with a comment, and underline my publications just so that I'd look good to my family, when there is a perfectly good comment made by an Elder, and a studied Watchtower in a congregation half way across the world.
I think yours is a great idea. I figure this is a good site for birthing such an idea because of the amount of traffic that frequents this forum. For example, our beloved Blondie posts a regular thread called "What you will NOT hear at this week's Watchtower Study" --- so in all seriousness, your idea could be added, too. Provided some JW is willing to do the work and share it.
Not to say a separate website would not work as well. Double negative. Meaning it would work fine! Just the issue of traffic.
Personally, I have not been to a meeting in eleven years. ..ancient history for me.
september 21, 1897 edition of the new york sun carried a famous letter to the editor written by a little 8 year old girl, virginia o'hanlon.. .
the little girl had been told by her friends that santa claus was a myth and she wanted to know the truth of the matter.. at first virginia went directly to her father who she trusted to give her honest answers.
after all, he was a respected doctor!.
Thanks for sharing that news clipping, Terry. That is a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l answer to a child filled with wonder.
dear friends:.
is it just disorientation, getting old...?.
i awoke this morning and really did not know where i was.
Glad to hear you went to get all those tests. We gotta know that our beloved CoCo is on the mend!
i need some clearing up, who is the angel gabriel?
and who is michael?
and witch one is the one used to represent crist?.
Hi Paulino,
Welcome to the forum! Ask as many questions as you want, do lots of research. The Boreans of the Bible did that. The truth will set you free.
interesting.. here is the first thing i've found on the subject, though i haven't read much of it yet..
Wow! It has been awhile since I checked this thread, but here is some great information!
Thanks, showmeproof, much appreciated!
i don't post a ton here because i'm kinda shy.
that's the amazon link (which is currently the most affordable, i believe, but it's also available for preorder at b&n, borders, indiebound, and indigo-chapters if you're in canada, if you prefer one of those retailers).. .
I just finished reading your wonderful book. It arrived on my doorstep two days ago and I just could not put it down.
I had it read from cover to cover in two days.
Touched my heart and soul. I relate to so much of it, having been born and raised in it, as you were.
It is an amazing story! I wish you sucess and send all the positive vibes I can muster!
Please keep in touch with us on JWN!
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
Is your religion the only right religion? If so, how do you know for sure?
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
Since you are an evangelical Christian...Do you believe in Dominionism?