Mr Fool,
Most of us have felt the way you feel, about not fitting in. It is because if you were born and raised a jw, you, like a square peg have been squeezed mercilessly and unceremoniously into a round hole, all your life. Your body felt uncomfortable, yet it didn't stop your parents or whoever from squeezing. You had to do uncomfortable things your entire jw life, such as going to meetings, spend Saturday mornings going door-to-door at risk of seeing your classmates, talking a "different language" to try and fit into the jw mold. That uncomfortable feeling, comparable to wearing shoes that are too tight became the "norm" and you forgot what true comfort and fit was. Just the squeezing of you into that awful mold which was too small and prevented your soul from growing into something that you actually liked or heaven forbid, loved!
It takes awhile to get back to normal after leaving, or even trying to leave the jws.
Don't worry, Mr Fool, most of us here understand your discomfort.
Be patient with yourself. Come and go as you see fit. No one will tell you to stay away or don't go. You are free here.
Oh yeah, the freedom thing. The free will to do as you see fit, instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to do. You are allowed to be your authentic self here... Oh, no, don't get me started on that one!