Thanks for the clarity, Lil and Rick.
Much appreciated,
Thanks for the clarity, Lil and Rick.
Much appreciated,
Hi Lovelylil,
If you know him personally, you might want to drop in on him just to see if he's okay. I am just concerned he might need a doctor if he is ungrounded like someone described.
Just my spidey-sense. Makes sense to look out for each other.
PublishingCult wrote:
He was/is an arrogant ass, lol. He left one cult of lies to start one of his own. You go give him a hug, though. He likes sycophants.
I'm not interested in being drawn into another belief since leaving the jws. One cult is enough per lifetime, thank you, PublishingCult.
I'm saying Rick is a human being. He may very well be anointed. Being anointed is not exclusive to the jws, as they would have us believe. But, Rick has become ungrounded after being disfellowshipped. That is because he set his roots in the jw cult, rather than on planet earth. Right now Rick needs help just as much as any other human being needs help who has become disillusioned by the JWs. The JWs have set us up to fail upon leaving. Rick is vulnerable right now, no matter how he "appears" to you or me.
Please don't judge him so adversely! That's all I'm saying.
my youngest sister is the only person in my jw family who has had any real contact with my husband and i and our baby.
for the first year she cut us off too but then after a while she seemed to realize how horrible it was and she opened up to us.. well, she is very easily influenced by the family and so she cut us off again.
she tried to feed me the line about it being for our own good blah, blah, blah.. here is an excerpt from how i replied:.
Now that we have left the organization, it is healthy for us to re-visit the rules and leave behind the ones that don't fit us.
It is time to re-write the rules to suit ourselves. That is what free will is all about!
If people can't or won't choose, then they cannot be "responsible."
Sheeple are not "responsible"... they are co-dependent, in this case, with the elders, or with the religion.
It's not Rick's fault. He was looking for an organization to "belong" to, then became disillusioned when the borg turned on him. He's just another casualty of the WT. Really, he needs our support and care.
Rick, please talk to your family doctor about getting some counselling. Go for a walk in nature. It will help you to get grounded. You may be "anointed" but you are still human, dear one. Get grounded.
Glentrevette, please call 911 and talk to someone about what you are feeling. You are important. You are a human being who wanted to trust in God. Unfortunately, a human organization wasn't the answer. Don't allow yourself to self-destruct.
my youngest sister is the only person in my jw family who has had any real contact with my husband and i and our baby.
for the first year she cut us off too but then after a while she seemed to realize how horrible it was and she opened up to us.. well, she is very easily influenced by the family and so she cut us off again.
she tried to feed me the line about it being for our own good blah, blah, blah.. here is an excerpt from how i replied:.
jiyuu2 wrote:
M en will expel you from the synagogue. In fact, the hour is coming when everyone that kills you will imagine he has rendered a sacred service to God. - John 16:2
It seems there will always be people who try to justify hateful things in the name of "sacred service", even to the point of 'killing' their natural family relationships.I have been thinking about this scripture lately. This is my sentiment exactly. Well said! Thanks, jiyuu2!
it was made by a women who in later years wore crotchless panties and bras which had holes in the nipple areas.
he not only knew the woman in question (she's now deceased), he has met her numerous times.
up until recently this secret of her year's long sexual affair with rutherford was kept by the family.
Sounds believable to me.
i know there are many active jw's here and was just wondering if anyone is going to take advantage of april's special of only 30 hours for the month.. i actually might, just to irk some of the elders that can't figure me out in their minds.. it would involve 2 long days ... that's it.
even i can go out in fs in the morning with the group and hang out at bus stops and train stations the rest of the day.. i am really tempted.. rub a dub.
So now I'm curious...all you active jws...
Are you counting time while on this forum?
a number of years ago i started doing something i had never done before.. i started questioning the basic premise of things which cause arguments.. why?.
long running controversy usually contains a hidden premise both sides buy into without knowing it.. by backing up one whole step and questioning the basis for the hidden premise the problem quickly goes away.. .
it looks yummy.
Yes, the JWs present themselves as a "moderate" and "loving" religion, and it is not until you get baptised that you realize you have been "hooked" and can't get out without your family being ripped apart.
The "hook" is baptism. If you never get baptised, you can never get df'd or da'd.
Then, of course, if I knew then what I know now, I would have never set foot into a kingdom hall.
Unfortunately, I was born in.