The Loving Disfellowshipping Arrangement

by headisspinning 41 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • headisspinning

    My youngest sister is the only person in my JW family who has had any real contact with my husband and I and our baby. For the first year she cut us off too but then after a while she seemed to realize how horrible it was and she opened up to us.

    Well, she is very easily influenced by the family and so she cut us off again. She tried to feed me the line about it being for our own good blah, blah, blah.

    Here is an excerpt from how I replied:

    "About the Truth, as I told you, we just wrote another letter to the elders. I tried to explain to them again the situation we're in and how horrible we're feeling. I had been praying and praying and finally realized that I needed to try to reach out to them again. I pretty much just asked for any help or encouragement they could give us. I explained about XXXX's anxiety and I'm just hoping it won't fall on deaf ears. I told them how discouraged we are. I keep thinking about the prodigal son. Do your remember the part where it says that while she son was still at a distance the father ordered a big feast to be prepared in celebration of his return? His son wasn't even back yet and that's how his father responded. So, I just don't understand why we can't be reinstated. I don't understand why we may have to wait 'years and years'. I don't know where it says that in the Bible. I really don't. All I know is that the longer we are left in this limbo, the more despairing we feel. We have both been through hell in our lives. For none of that to be taken into consideration, for it all to come down to this one sin and that's just it for us.... how can that be? And for us to get reinstated the bar is higher than it is for an average publisher. We would have to be exemplary - be at all the meetings, be visibly prepared for all the meetings and have a full spiritual routine. How are we supposed to do all of that with no support and no encouragement? That is difficult for someone who is spiritually active and part of the congregation. Just try to think about it in practical terms and tell me how likely or even possible it is for someone in our situation to pull all of that together. So what? Does that mean we're just done for and going to die at Armageddon? Again, where does it say all of that in the Bible as a prerequisite for reinstatement. I thought it was about being repentant. If my WT is underlined does that really mean anything at all? I will tell you right now that it doesn't because when I go to the meeting I quickly underline my magazine and then I do XXX's just so it looks like I studied. Does that even sound like me? No. But I don't know what else to do. As far as family distancing themselves, I can tell you right now that in the majority of cases, the only thing that does is motivate people to come back in the Truth for the wrong reasons. I know for me, at the beginning, I wanted to come back because I just wanted to be in the Truth. But now, it's just been reduced to wanting to come back because I just want my life back. That has become such a huge issue I can't even see anything else. It overrides any good intentions I may have had because how we've been treated and what we've gone through has been so brutal. Do you understand what I'm saying? Taking away a person's entire life and support system to 'encourage' them to come back.... it's just such a terrible thing to go through, that as mere humans, it's just so easy to lose focus and get desperate. So, no, I do not think that having family distance themselves is productive and I am speaking from experience."

    My sister didn't reply for a while and when she finally did she said she considered what I said and said "Okay. Well, maybe it's not for your own good - but for my own good - I have to do things Jehovah's way." And that was it. PS. I'm wondering if maybe she read the article on Disfellowshipping in the recent magazine?
  • tec

    That was a fantastic letter! At the very least, your sister saw in it that what she was doing was not for your benefit, but for hers. It is NOT being done out of love for you, and the prodigal son account shows that the way the org has it set up is not God's way, either. Just their own - for their own benefit - the same thing she has realized shunning you is for her benefit, and not yours. I would think about that for a while; perhaps put together another letter. Very potent though. VERY POTENT.

    Peace and strength to you and yours, through this ordeal and callous treatment.


  • headisspinning

    Thank you Tammy. I hope that maybe it will make her think. I think she is just so controlled by my family and she doesn't have the strength to stand up to them and it's too hard playing both sides.

    I might write to her again but I'm kind of laying low for the time being - I know that when she gets fed up with everyone trying to control her she will reach out again because she always does.

    It's just too bad because I have become hardened by being hurt over and over again and that's a real shame.

  • Lozhasleft

    What an excellent reply you composed, very honest and articulate about the whole situation you face. I feel so sad for you. I remember those feelings when I was Dfd at such a low point in my life despite being so sorry for sinning. There doesnt seem any way to go back with one's trust in them being God's organisation intact.

    The other awful thing is that she is being directed to abandon Christian love and natural compassion in favour of appeasing the Org. Its disgraceful but we know how that feels dont we? It will be interesting to see what the elders' response is to you, if any. I would hope that your sister might show the letter to your parents and it may move them see through these rules?

    Sending you love and hugs.

    Loz x

  • cantleave

    Excellent letter.

    Unfortunately everything you say will fall on deaf ears.

  • headisspinning

    Loz... thanks to you too. It is really helpful to know that we are not alone in what we've experienced.

    I'm not holding my breath about getting a response from the elders. It has already been several weeks. I specifically asked them to at the very least acknowledge that they did indeed receive the letter but nothing. Not a word. I guess we aren't even worthy of common courtesy. (And this is actually the third letter I've written - but only the first got a response because we came right out and asked to be reinstated).

    At this point, we are thinking about just buckling down and fighting our way back just so the cursed lable of 'disfellowshipped' is lifted. We are very worried about the kids getting baptized now that there is a big push on and then have them cut us out of their lives. Then after that... fading is looking pretty enticing right about now...

  • Lozhasleft

    I would never go back...I've got 5 adult kids in there who shun me and the Org is responsible for so much damage to our family, I couldnt to go near the JWs again. I would never be able to 'play' a game - it would be far too tempting to tell them what I really think. Pretending to respect men that behave despicably would be abhorrent to me. The Dfing almost destroyed me completely, it really did, they're not getting the chance to do it again.

    I wish you too would stay away and keep your kids away from the whole thing...but maybe that's not so easy...I'm not sure of the whole circumstances.

    Loz x

  • headisspinning

    Our kids are young teenagers and the girls are only 9 and 10... I can deal with them cutting us off down the road... but I think it would be very damaging to everyone for them to lose use at this stage.

  • Lozhasleft

    If you have any of you kids with you cant you stop them attending altogether? It would set them free to live a normal life? Please dont think I'm interfering though.

    Loz x

  • nugget

    disfellowshipping is bullying sad but true. It is sad people go back for family and not for religious reasons why any religion would want members who are brow beaten and resentful is a mystery to me. Belief is not essential conformity is. Compassion is not necessary for family or for elders. I am so sorry that you are being treated without empathy this religion is more about control than uplifting spirituality.

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