Hi everyone,
Does anyone know where in the jw publications Jehovah is described as "The Great Patriarch"?
I'd sure appreciate the help!
does anyone know where in the jw publications jehovah is described as "the great patriarch"?.
Hi everyone,
Does anyone know where in the jw publications Jehovah is described as "The Great Patriarch"?
I'd sure appreciate the help!
both believe in the inerrancy of the bible (psalms 12:6, 119:89, proverbs 30:5-6, 2 timothy 3:16-17, 2 peter 1:20-21, rev 22:18-19) and in their absolute correct interpretation.both believe that the other is apostate (2 thessalonians 2:3-4).both believe that the others doctrine is influenced by the devil (genesis 3:1-15, john 8:44).both believe the other is condemned for their false beliefs (2 peter 2:1-3, 1 timothy 4:1-3, 2 timothy 2:16-19, hebrews 6:4-8).neither would darken the door of the others sanctuary, for fear of contamination.both would avoid casual association (proverbs 13:20, 1 corinthians 5:11, 15:33), and certainly would not marry the other (2 corinthians 6:14).both believe that armageddon is imminent and look forward to the purified world afterwards.both consider that the highest form of charity is to convert another.
practical works like feeding the poor are considered inferior.more?
can we make it a dozen (a more perfect number)?.
sounds like religion to me...godrulz!
both believe in the inerrancy of the bible (psalms 12:6, 119:89, proverbs 30:5-6, 2 timothy 3:16-17, 2 peter 1:20-21, rev 22:18-19) and in their absolute correct interpretation.both believe that the other is apostate (2 thessalonians 2:3-4).both believe that the others doctrine is influenced by the devil (genesis 3:1-15, john 8:44).both believe the other is condemned for their false beliefs (2 peter 2:1-3, 1 timothy 4:1-3, 2 timothy 2:16-19, hebrews 6:4-8).neither would darken the door of the others sanctuary, for fear of contamination.both would avoid casual association (proverbs 13:20, 1 corinthians 5:11, 15:33), and certainly would not marry the other (2 corinthians 6:14).both believe that armageddon is imminent and look forward to the purified world afterwards.both consider that the highest form of charity is to convert another.
practical works like feeding the poor are considered inferior.more?
can we make it a dozen (a more perfect number)?.
Jgnat wrote:
This thread was a direct result of an insensitive evangelist (godrulz) who sees himself at the vanguard of a great army (or perhaps a small team here on JWN) to save the "lost". His crass approach brought to mind the prejudices that can keep people apart - away from true dialogue - because they cannot see their commonality. More foolish us.
I also see godrulz as crass and transparent. He/she/it would like to see ex-JWs to exchange one set of mind control for his/her/its version of "mind control." It feels like the ex-husband butting in to attend my group therapy session. It feels invasive and dis-respectful. I wish he/she/it would go away. After leaving the jws, I see the religious patterns being used. I will never --- could never --- join another religious organization!
If only these religious zealots could see their repulsive commonality!
do you recall hearing this teaching...?.
i recall as a jw i was taught that if anyone dared to leave the organization, all knowledge would be taken from us.
turns out it was yet another jw lie.. now, eleven years after leaving, i still remember the scriptures word for word and by using the concordance i find my way back to the scripture in question.
Mad Sweeney wrote:
One thing you lose little by little is your instinctive cult defense mechanism and ability to spontaneously regurgitate Borgish platitudes.
Well said, I'm counting on that!
both believe in the inerrancy of the bible (psalms 12:6, 119:89, proverbs 30:5-6, 2 timothy 3:16-17, 2 peter 1:20-21, rev 22:18-19) and in their absolute correct interpretation.both believe that the other is apostate (2 thessalonians 2:3-4).both believe that the others doctrine is influenced by the devil (genesis 3:1-15, john 8:44).both believe the other is condemned for their false beliefs (2 peter 2:1-3, 1 timothy 4:1-3, 2 timothy 2:16-19, hebrews 6:4-8).neither would darken the door of the others sanctuary, for fear of contamination.both would avoid casual association (proverbs 13:20, 1 corinthians 5:11, 15:33), and certainly would not marry the other (2 corinthians 6:14).both believe that armageddon is imminent and look forward to the purified world afterwards.both consider that the highest form of charity is to convert another.
practical works like feeding the poor are considered inferior.more?
can we make it a dozen (a more perfect number)?.
... Why does each religion think it is the only "true" religion? That belief implies that all other religions are false. I know from being an ex-member that the Jehovah's Witnesses believe theirs is the only true faith. They believe they are the only ones who have special knowledge. They are God's favored people. They and only them. Everyone else is going to be killed by God at Armageddon.
Muslims believe theirs is the only true religion. That belief means that all other religions are false. They have special knowledge. They are Allah's favored people. They and only them. Everyone else is going to burn in hell as an infidel.
Mormons believe theirs is the only true religion. That belief means that all other religions are false. They have special knowledge. They are God's favored people. They and only them. Everyone else is going to burn in hell.
Need I go on about the Catholics, Scientologists, and Fundamentalist Christians?
Judgmental? Divisive? Where does it end? Perhaps another Holy War, another Jihad, another Inquisition, another Crusades or another World War...?
One may wish to examine how much "conditioning" goes on in a religion before rushing into becoming a member. Personally, as a Westerner, I see over and over again how dangerously divisive so-called "moderate" religion can be.
On a happy note, the bible says a time will come when people would not adhere to religion. Rather, each person would be a law to themselves. (Romans 2:14) By that, I mean their conscience would be their guide; not some priest, pastor, elder, imam, bishop, etc. No more religion running the show, asking for money, lobbying for more power, and demanding more freedom to frighten and enslave. Sounds healthy to me. I embrace this idealist concept.
ill introduce myself.
my name is darren, im 23 and live in england.. im having some problems with the "truth".. to start it off and to keep it as minimal as possible because i dont want to bore your minds, i was raised with my whole family as a roman catholic.. after moving around the world, even as far as new zealand, i got myself in a terrible way in guernsey channel islands.
i met some old friends of mine who were into all sorts related to the "crime scene" and i got myself involved with drugs and the like.. i began a spiralling into depression and cutting my arms to feel alive.
Some people simply exchange one drug of choice for another. In this case the drug of choice might be religion ... unless you can walk away before you are completely indoctrinated. Might want to read up on co-dependence.
do you recall hearing this teaching...?.
i recall as a jw i was taught that if anyone dared to leave the organization, all knowledge would be taken from us.
turns out it was yet another jw lie.. now, eleven years after leaving, i still remember the scriptures word for word and by using the concordance i find my way back to the scripture in question.
Mr Freeze wrote:
Were they saying we'd become like neanderthals or something?
I think what they meant was that when someone leaves, the holy spirit would also leave and thus we would be rendered helpless or ineffective to speak about the bible. I suppose it is meant to discredit us. No JWs would take us seriously after leaving. Another lie of the WT. No wonder they are not allowed to speak to us. If they did they would leave, too! Well thought out propaganda by the ole patriarchs of the WT.
Snowbird wrote:
I've been out mentally for 17 years, and physically, 6; I have a better grasp of and appreciation for the Holy Scriptures than ever. Even Revelation.
Glad to hear it! Of course its easy to believe NOW, though. It is my experience too, Snowbird.
PyramidScheme wrote:
I even receive the new light faster than those who actually go to the meetings.
LOL! I receive new light too, but it isn't the same light as the WT, fortunately. Maybe its new light ABOUT the WT lies!
this seems to be a favorite topic to bring up to any witnesses who post on any website where there are any opposers, either here or topix or anywhere.. so, here is the one and only place i will be discussing it.
who can prove that witnesses are specifically told not to post on websites about them?.
Stand firm says:
isaacaustin suggests I tell my elders I post here. Why would I do that? It is websites like this that claim that Witnesses must run to their elders to make their decisions for them. I, however, can make conscientious decisions for myself.
Awwww...I do believe I hear some independent thinking going on...sounds a bit like Eve at the ole fruit tree. Personally, I like Eve.
Another observation...if it is true that you make your own decisions, why are you constantly quoting watchtowers?
Now I have an aside question...if we feed the trolls, will they grow?
do you recall hearing this teaching...?.
i recall as a jw i was taught that if anyone dared to leave the organization, all knowledge would be taken from us.
turns out it was yet another jw lie.. now, eleven years after leaving, i still remember the scriptures word for word and by using the concordance i find my way back to the scripture in question.
Do you recall hearing this teaching...?
I recall as a jw I was taught that if anyone dared to leave the organization, all knowledge would be taken from us.
Turns out it was yet another JW lie.
NOW, eleven years after leaving, I still remember the scriptures word for word and by using the concordance I find my way back to the scripture in question. I look at it with new eyes. A new meaning emerges and I know it fits my life NOW.
I'd appreciate hearing your comments.
ok last time i went to the laudermat all i found was a trifold tract from the jw's.
they gave me so much room to write ( why do they do that?
) i wrote on there "when will you jw's stop leaving mags and tracts at this laundermat"...lol i wonder what will be there next week.. my friends works part time at payless shoe store.
I agree with you poppers...that was way outta line for the woman to leave tracts in the shoe boxes.
If I was a customer who found those, I would have been creeped out and likely would have left the store without buying anything.
I mighta wondered if the store owner was JW. I would have felt violated.