Blondie, thanks for sharing the blog
I had a good laugh at the end!
on the news the other day they showed a young man after graduating from high school went out and got drunk and had a bad car accident.
he was paralyze from the waist down.
instead of going into deep depression of what he did to himself he started his life over and went to college and was involved in inventing a exoskeleton for disable people.
Blondie, thanks for sharing the blog
I had a good laugh at the end!
hey y'all!
my name is kourtney and i am new to this form and jehovah witnesses.
right now i am studying the book "what does the bible really teach".
Cupcake wrote:
I was baptist which I hate anyways..
Then ru-u-u-u-un! After I left the jws, I visited a Baptist church. They are very similar to the JWs. Both harsh and judgmental with their respective flock.
The jws are in the "love-bombing" stage. But only till you get baptised. Then you will be forced to tow the line or get disfellowshipped.
two days ago!!!
a man i knew in england.his wife was a jw he wasnt.... i knew she had ran off with the elder..1999..was df so was the elder.. they were then reinstated -she divorced alan #1 !!!!
& married the elder another .
What a great story! Thanks for sharing with us on the forum.
what's a polite way to ask a man to keep his hands to himself while conversing in a group with you?.
this neighbor of mine and i were sitting in chairs on the deck with other people.. he always touched me whenever he said anything to me or i said anything to him.. it was as if he was using touch like an antenna to send and receive signals.. i didn't know what to do, so instead of risking embarrassment for us both, i did nothing but stand up and step away.. i stepped away after he attempted to caress my hamstrings on one leg.. *shudder*.
wonder why 60+ year old men think that a woman being nice to him means she's hot for him.. also wonders why it's only the smoking, beer guzzling, scrawny, bony, and smelly old men who do that.. .
Chickpea wrote:
you dont have to ASK someone to refrain from touching you! you TELL them
I agree…It’s about respect and personal boundaries. No one has an automatic right to touch you.
No obligation to be polite when someone touches you, uninvited. They are not being polite to touch you, uninvited.
You might remove his hand and say, “I don’t appreciate being touched like that.” Or “I would appreciate if you DON’T touch me.”
WD wrote:
In my faraway land, touching a person when they have told you not to, is considered a 'common assault'. Yes, that is the LAW.
In my far-away land, you don’t even have to touch someone to assault them.
Same, but different…Here is a blog about a masturbation incident that happened on public transportation where the victim was criticized…yes, the VICTIM:
The two people referred to:
Obviously, you two don't believe that questions of such nature are appropriate here.
Fortunately for us, those two are not the authority on such matters. They are behaving in a disrespectful and non-validating manner. I believe your question in your original post is perfectly valid. Most women have never been taught to say “no” in a patriarchal society. It’s something we must learn ... later. The key is, it IS SOMETHING WE MUST LEARN because it is entirely appropriate for us to set personal boundaries for ourselves. I notice other similar comments from aSphereisnotaCircle and mrsjones. Nice to see the validation.
Blondie wrote:
A brother should not be touching any woman except his wife, especially if he has been asked not to by another woman. Touching after that becomes sexual harassment. There was an elder in our congregation that felt up all the young single sisters but they were afraid to say anything. He did so others did not see. He tried to add me to his "harem" and I quietly broke his finger without anyone seeing. (Do not piss off Blondie) He made no accusations and kept his distance from us after that.
Blondie rules! If I had half your wits...I would do what you did, too. But I don't. I'm sitll working on my conditioning. Perhaps one day. *sigh*
i'm still a semi member of the kh but not at all active and have major doubts when i started reading all kinds of opposing literature.
talked to elders about this and also my father but my father but he still believes it's the "truth".
anyways jist of this story is i gave my father a copy of "crisis of conscience".
Lights Out,
Bro Cunningham let your father not trying to "save" you!
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
godrulz wrote:
It seems there is an anti-Christian spirit here. People also did not like Jesus, the Son of God, perfect Teacher. The problem is with our hearts and minds, not the truth of God.
I am at the point where I seriously doubt that Jesus would call himself a Christian. Jesus had genuine love --- from his heart --- for everyone.
Do you seriously think Jesus would judge another human like what I am seeing here.
i don't post a ton here because i'm kinda shy.
that's the amazon link (which is currently the most affordable, i believe, but it's also available for preorder at b&n, borders, indiebound, and indigo-chapters if you're in canada, if you prefer one of those retailers).. .
You did it! I'm so proud of you on getting your book published!
I ordered a copy and can hardly wait till it gets here.
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
jgnat wrote:
I apologize, satinka, in advance. I'll give my grouchy anwer. What agenda? To heal you "right" of course.
jgnat... You? Grouchy? I see you as a truly loving soul.
And I don't see you as a stranger.
Which brings me religious strangers know what is "right" for me?
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
One's physical appearance does not matter because all souls are beautiful.
One's self-perception however DOES matter, especially when projected onto someone else.
Self-perception, when coming from a place of love is authentic. ...Coming from ego is not, and others will sense a lack of love. The "sense" may be perceived as an "agenda" or "motive."
Back to the questions of the original post. What "agenda" or "motive" do religions (who do not have an ex-jw experience) have for visiting this "healing space"?
*sigh* i have been noticing lately there are a number of groups of "christians" signing up as members of this forum, with the obvious agenda of gaining converts for their own cult-like religions.
i have been wondering things like:.
hmmm...maybe i'll try ignoring them.. thank you simon for the space to vent.. satinka.
Jesus is love incarnate. Those who know Him should be experts on love.
This...coming from someone who thinks of himself as fat and ugly---Is this a person who is an expert on love?
Jesus may very well be loving, but what does that have to do with unloving, harsh, judgmental religion?