Chickpea wrote:
you dont have to ASK someone to refrain from touching you! you TELL them
I agree…It’s about respect and personal boundaries. No one has an automatic right to touch you.
No obligation to be polite when someone touches you, uninvited. They are not being polite to touch you, uninvited.
You might remove his hand and say, “I don’t appreciate being touched like that.” Or “I would appreciate if you DON’T touch me.”
WD wrote:
In my faraway land, touching a person when they have told you not to, is considered a 'common assault'. Yes, that is the LAW.
In my far-away land, you don’t even have to touch someone to assault them.
Same, but different…Here is a blog about a masturbation incident that happened on public transportation where the victim was criticized…yes, the VICTIM:
The two people referred to:
Obviously, you two don't believe that questions of such nature are appropriate here.
Fortunately for us, those two are not the authority on such matters. They are behaving in a disrespectful and non-validating manner. I believe your question in your original post is perfectly valid. Most women have never been taught to say “no” in a patriarchal society. It’s something we must learn ... later. The key is, it IS SOMETHING WE MUST LEARN because it is entirely appropriate for us to set personal boundaries for ourselves. I notice other similar comments from aSphereisnotaCircle and mrsjones. Nice to see the validation.
Blondie wrote:
A brother should not be touching any woman except his wife, especially if he has been asked not to by another woman. Touching after that becomes sexual harassment. There was an elder in our congregation that felt up all the young single sisters but they were afraid to say anything. He did so others did not see. He tried to add me to his "harem" and I quietly broke his finger without anyone seeing. (Do not piss off Blondie) He made no accusations and kept his distance from us after that.
Blondie rules! If I had half your wits...I would do what you did, too. But I don't. I'm sitll working on my conditioning. Perhaps one day. *sigh*