Wonderful story --- and not at all surprising that you got it all back.
There are many kind and caring people in the world, unlike what the jws teach.
so in the hustle and shuffle of moving i must have left my entire collection literally in the appartment parking lot.
just to give you an idea of what was in there i had about a dozen america and canadian silver dollars, a couple gold coins, a bunch of ancient coins from the 1600s, old canadian paper money and us money and a bunch of coins, stamps, paper currency ive been collecting since i was a kid.. all in all my stuff was worth in the 5-7 thousand dollar range.
believe it or not a young guy in his mid twenties from the appartments across the st came over and asked me if i lost anything and what my name was.
Wonderful story --- and not at all surprising that you got it all back.
There are many kind and caring people in the world, unlike what the jws teach.
i finally desided to leave the witnesses therefore my family and basicly everyone and everything i had ever known.
i was 19 about to be 20 and i had just finished my first semester at a community college.
i was shocked at the respons of my father and others about me attending college at first they were ok but behind my back they were pretty much betting on my failier.
(((Stephanie))) Welcome to the forum!
You have taken some brave steps that took a lot of courage.
Congratulations! You will find support here.
i have added a new page at http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/experiences/shunning-experiences.php with short experiences from people who have been shunned.
i would like more to add.
please feel free to post comments on how you are being treated and the affect it is having on their lives.
Hi jwfacts,
I visited your website and sent you an email. I think this page is a great idea and I will help in any way possible!
despite this man's facial hair and no mention of religion, he must be one of jehovah's witnesses, cuz surely no worldly person would be so honest.. serioulsy, he credits his parents.
it always irritated me that whenever a witness does something good they have to throw in "as one of jehovah's witnesses ...." as though they were implying they would otherwise not have done the right thing.. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/chibrknews-man-finds-17000and-turns-it-in-20110609,0,6950954.story.
wannabefree, please be aware there are m-a-n-y honest people in the world. Believing all honest people must be JW is part of their mind control ...
The more dealings one has with the world, the more this simple truth becomes evident.
don't you dare try channelling form god.
jesus went to heaven, but don't you dare entertain that hope.. any other 'specialies' that are forbidden to you, the lower classes?.
The Bible was written by patriarchs who worshipped --- and channeled --- a fearful diety. They decided to re-write history to suit their ideals, which included blaming women for everything...EVERYTHING
That is my short explanation of how the Bible came about.
i am looking for your best jw comeback- the kind that makes a jw's jaw drop.
ok, even two pithy sentences will do.. here's one i have used before on jws,.
moshe: " do you know what an oxymoron is?
Terra Incongnita wrote:
Where are you going to be 30 years from now?
The JWs would answer, "in paradise," which roughly translated means that sometime between now and 2041, Armageddon will strike.
i am getting into this video making thing..... looking for ideas for new ones.
Great video! Message is clear. Why would anyone stay in a religion that blames its followers for being over-zealous when the organization's predictions failed?
all i can say is "wow!
" in the 10 years i've been out i had no idea that forums like this existed.
a tad naive-sounding for someone with a background in it, i know, but it's taken me this long just to feel comfortable enough to type 'jw' into google.
A great big welcome from Vancouver, Canada! Thanks for sharing your story about growing up a JW. You are among friends.
our neighbourhood has seen a debate erupt in the local schools in our area.
of all things, the fundys want to stop an anti-bullying program that the schools are attempting to initiate.
in response to an article in the paper, i wrote a rebuttal.
@GOrwell It seems that funadamentalist religious groups are always pushing for more freedom...in this case they are wanting to attack gays and lesbians. They want freedom to bully and condemn. Since I know how oppressive religions operate, I made a statement about their tactics. It seemed only fair and reasonable. Besides, religious groups seem to think they are above the law because "God says...."
@Snoozy I have seen the Q represented as Queer in some places, and other places it is Questioning. I like to think of them as questioning, since some highschool students begin experiementing and questioning their sexual preference at this time of their life.
The religious groups bullying pushed my buttons, since they always throw around the "persecution" word. Now, it seems they think it is okay to turn around and become the persecutors of a group of teenagers who may identify themselves as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans-sexual or Questioning (LGBTQ ).
i am looking for your best jw comeback- the kind that makes a jw's jaw drop.
ok, even two pithy sentences will do.. here's one i have used before on jws,.
moshe: " do you know what an oxymoron is?
"Why is reading "Crisis of Conscience" considered by the Watchtower Society to be as bad as molesting a child?"
Actually, some have been disfellowshipped for "illegal" reading, but others did NOT get disfellowshipped for molesting a child.
Ray Franz got disfellowshipped for having a MEAL with an "Apostate TM "