Happy birthday, jwfacts!
Another Libra!
Happy birthday, jwfacts!
Another Libra!
here is a link to the pdf.... http://www.jw.org/download/?issue=201312&output=html&pub=g&fileformat=pdf&alllangs=0&langwritten=e&txtcmslang=e&isbible=0.
some interesting quotes.... while it is wise not to believe everything we read in the news, it does not follow that there is nothing we can trust.
the key may be to have a healthy skepticism, while keeping an open mind.tone: when the tone of a news item is angry, spiteful, or highly critical, it suggests that an attack is under way and not a reasoned argument.sources: is there evidence of thorough research?
And Armageddon's still a'comin'!
how many here are (a) ex-jw, (b) non-jw with jw relatives or spouses, (c) inactive jw, or (d) active jw who stay in for your own reasons?.
Born in, but df'd in 2000. Never went back. Wrote the book.
absolutely weird.
minding my own business while pumping gas - this 60 year old short jw lady with fluffed bun styled 60's hair and her 30 year old attractive 5 ' 10 inch jw lady partner came straight up to me as i'm pumping.
they picked the wrong hombre .
Wonderful anti-witnessing, Flipper!
You know, when I was still "in" and heard about sexual abuse involving children, those stories really disturbed me, being a mom myself. I'll bet the JWs squirm often in service these days with the light getting brighter and brighter as a result of people like you!
Good work, Flipper!
i have recently joined the site.
i was just appointed an elder this summer.
i started discovering the ttatt (the truth about the truth) last year after putting a few things together myself concerning the leadership and then doing some research online.. i really enjoyed jwfacts.com, jwsurvey, and others.
Welcome aboard, TTATTelder!
Crisis of Conscience was the book that helped me to see the light. Now, that's what I call New Light!
After reading CoC I no longer saw the organization as led by Jehovah's Spirit. It became reduced to another man-made publishing company. Only this one had free marketers --- publishers --- raking in the cash and giving it all to the organization. What a racket!
I've been out since 2000 and life has improved greatly!
anyone use one of these, i have hundreds of books worth thousands, only prob is i cant read them, no time however i have been able to read some on my iphone and kindle, i need a way to digitize my library, i own jim pentons books ray franz and many others i havent been able to read many (save for franz) because ive been so busy, im trying to find a way to get them digitized this book scanner looks pretty good, im going to build one i think, others with pdfs how did u make them, and is it legal to download pdfs of what i already own?.
Here's an interesting link about Amazon and Kindle:
anyone use one of these, i have hundreds of books worth thousands, only prob is i cant read them, no time however i have been able to read some on my iphone and kindle, i need a way to digitize my library, i own jim pentons books ray franz and many others i havent been able to read many (save for franz) because ive been so busy, im trying to find a way to get them digitized this book scanner looks pretty good, im going to build one i think, others with pdfs how did u make them, and is it legal to download pdfs of what i already own?.
What I see here is copyright infringement.
It's illegal.
once in a while, usually in the morning shortly after waking up, i find my "body" lifting up from my physical body, but i remain attached at the head.
it's a very pleasant experience but i wish i could totally separate from the physical body so i could go exploring.
this happened this morning again.. .
Yes, when my dad used to beat me as a child.
this new couple moved in a couple weeks ago.
special/regular pioneers, he's an elder from bethel.
i think he might have been a co at one time.
That happened in my congregation when I was a kid still living at home. I write about it in my book. What a can of worms they opened!
the word out of bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.. there's also possible public reproofs handed out for irregular ones.. .
the scriptures they are using to support this:.
the very ones keeping away from you will perish.
good exercise in teaching the masses to fear!