Did you/Do you actually LIKE Field Service?
Ha ha, good one.
Top ten reasons why I loved* field service (in no particular order):
1. I loved the 99% rejection rate
2. I loved pairing up with people who wouldn't speak 10 words to me in a social setting
3. I loved pairing up with pregnant sisters dragging their two-year-old by the arm (who wanted to pet the last door's kitty) up the sidewalk, while pleading to go potty
4. I loved trying to unload the latest set of mags before they got "old"
5. I loved the quality time I got to spend with my family
6. I loved writing down not-at-homes and RVs in front of the whole neighborhood in between houses
7. I loved anticipating which house would be Born Again
8. Or Atheist
9. I loved making use of the Conversation Stoppers from the Reasoning Book
10. I loved giving up every Saturday morning of my life to having a "regular" share in the ministry
Actually, each week a dread would come over me on Friday night, anticipating Saturday morning service. It took everything out of me. By time noon rolled around on Saturday, I was elated. I often hoped for rain or for nobody to be home. Sometimes I knocked lightly to avoid talking to anyone. I stopped filling out time slips LONG ago. And eventually I just stopped going. What a RELIEF!
And how refreshing it is to take a normal walk in the neighborhood these days without carrying a bookbag!