Today is the first day of the rest of your life, you miss 100% of the shots you never take, look before you leap, stop caring about what other people think, live for love, and just be you.
Run-on sentence Kristen
what you got to say, in a nutshell?.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life, you miss 100% of the shots you never take, look before you leap, stop caring about what other people think, live for love, and just be you.
Run-on sentence Kristen
i am thinking about starting to take some courses, working toward my degree.
i would appreciate some feedback.. on the one hand, i have made a successful career for myself as a highly paid computer professional, working for a variety of prominent companies here in the usa over the last 12 years.
this, in spite of not going to college for reasons that you all understand.. to date, the only companies that cared that i did not have a degree, once i had a few years experience, were companies that worked with universities and higher education products.
Go for it! There's nothing like having someone else foot the tuiton bill. And books can be quite expensive too. When you take classes for subjects that actually interest you, it can be quite fun.
JT, I'll bet you get a "G" on your report card for that speech class!
well, the year is nearly out, and as the new one approaches i'm thinking back on 2 years of being in the online exjw community and, in june 2002, my four year anniversary of my df'ing.. when first i came to h2o seeking comfort and support in january 2000, i had been df'd for a year and a half and online nearly 4 years but never had the guts to type "jehovah's witnesses" into a search engine.
that search led me to freeminds (thanks, randy *hug*) and then, to h2o.. what a journey its been.
i've gone from devastation at losing my family, to anger, through the anger to numbness, back through sadness, and now after much soul searching and a chance change of circumstances last summer, come to look at my disfellowshipping in an entirely new light.. those who know my history know that i was born into the borg, baptized at 12, married at 19, and was a very loyal, unquestioning dub until the age of 24 when the elders told me that my miscarried babies had no status with god.
Enjoyed taking in your reflections. Happy New Year to you too!
free to be me
you know how at every baptismal talk they say to the candidates that they should 'make a note of this date june, 4 whatever..ect'?
and everyone knows that date for like the rest of their life?
well i dont remember when i was baptized.
Welcome, Flower! Nice to meet you.
it is now just past midnight where i am located in the eastern time zone of the united states on december 25th.
so, a merry christmas from me to all readers in all time zones around the world!.
i hope i get more than a lump of coal this year.
Merry Christmas, Skimmer!
here's a story i made up and told at a yule ritual for our church's pagan group.. .
what does a christmas tree want?.
last year, right around this time, i came home from church to find christmas tree ornaments in my front yard.
What a lovely story! Thank you for sharing.
Merry Christmas to you too GentlyFeral!
free to be me
hello its christmas , oh i'm the only one here.. i didnt get any prezzies either.. oh well.
Merry Christmas!
free to be me
may you always take the time to smell the flowers.. may you feel the warmth of a smile on a child's face.. may you have the pleasure of giving, even if you don't receive right.
may you and all you love always be safe, well fed and sheltered.. may you find fulfillment in your work.. may you laugh out loud it clears the heart and the mind.. may you perform random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty .
daily.. may we all live in a world free of prejudice.. may you receive the pat on the back you really deserve.. may you be blessed to have one really good friend, and better still be married to that person.
And Merry Christmas to you too, Radar.
And to everyone else on the board!
who is glad not to be sitting in a KH during Christmas THIS year!
free to be me
many thanks to stephanus for getting this started and all the hard work putting together the 'whos who' site.. i've added an additional box to the profile page where you can enter a short biography (plain text - no formatting yet).
this is displayed when people click on your profile link (the 'membership card' icon under you poster name).
i will add a link to the member listing page to indicate people who have biographies with a link to display them.. let me know if you have any problems.
Too cool! Thanks for adding this feature, Simon. It's nice to be able to manage our own bios and update them when major strides have been made in our own journey out. I'll be working on mine soon.
Fluidly yours,
free to be me
Kristan, I just wondered why many of your early posts have been edited to a . Any particular reason
I was using invisible ink back then. Sure makes me mysterious, don't it!
Welcome! (hope it sticks THIS time!)
free to be me